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Question for folks in the medical field


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According to this map, the highest rates of cancer occur in the areas that vaccinate their people the most. According to most people I talk to, vaccines are supposed to be good for you, and prevent issues. This map seems to indicate something entirely opposite.


Question is, Why is cancer more common in countries that vaccinate their people more?


Why are developed countries getting more and more cancer, but in Africa, where you can't even see a doctor, the cancer rate is HALF of what it is in a developed country?

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if people in africa had a median lifespan longer than 30 years old, they might live long enough to experience cancer


you could correlate vaccine, but i contend you could correlate it to a ton of other stuff as well. why not processed food? alcohol? drugs? emissions? hell, a good statistician can create a positive correlation to nearly anything.

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Great question -- this is the way science works, someone sees a correlation and then tests it to see if there's any causality. I suspect someone out there has already done studies on this, and I also suspect that vaccines have been vindicated. But don't let my hunch stop you from doing more research.


As a starting point, I strongly suspect this has something to do with it:




It's hard to get cancer when you die in your late 30s.

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Why are developed countries getting more and more cancer, but in Africa, where you can't even see a doctor, the cancer rate is HALF of what it is in a developed country?


As the previous poster said, if you can't see a doctor, there is no one to diagnose you.


You can also see where manufacturing with little pollutant regulaton takes its toll (China, North America), though I am surprised at the extremely low rate of lung cancer in South Central Asia, as I always assumed they had an awful pollution problem. Maybe thats just Bangladesh/urban India.


Of course the most important thing about this representation is not the numbers themselves but an understanding of how to interpret them, something I don't think anyone on CR is entirely qualified to do (says the guy who just went ahead and interpreted the numbers anyways).




EDIT: OP, if you were looking for people to come in and say that vaccinations are the cause of cancer or that they're bad in general, I don't think you'll find that kind of mindset here. It's difficult to judge CR, but I think its a very small fringe who believe that vaccinations are bad. Just like it is impossible to keep "genetically mutated" products out of your diet in this country because at this point, everything has been genetically mutated by humans at some point in history, I think its nearly impossible to scientifically refute that, as a whole, vaccinations have been good for humanity.

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IMO the leading cause of cancer in our country is our food and lifestyle.


I bet if we starved and died early due to all the reasons the poor deprived folks your speaking of and never kept and good records or stats that we would appear cancer free too.

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According to this map, the highest rates of cancer occur in the areas that vaccinate their people the most. According to most people I talk to, vaccines are supposed to be good for you, and prevent issues. This map seems to indicate something entirely opposite.


Question is, Why is cancer more common in countries that vaccinate their people more?


Why are developed countries getting more and more cancer, but in Africa, where you can't even see a doctor, the cancer rate is HALF of what it is in a developed country?


It's because you're absolutely correct: vaccines cause cancer. It's a little known fact that vaccines were created by a one Dr. Hermann Schnitzel, a Nazi geneticist with a penchant for diabolical irony. With the full financial backing of Hitler, Dr. Schnitzel genetically engineered a potion that would, on the surface, protect an individual from measels and other fairly benign diseases, but at the same time sabotage the immune system by introducing mutagens that would insidiously transform into carcinogens and, ultimately, cancer. Beautifully lethal and yet so ingeniously simple, the "vaccine" was born and Dr. Schnitzel was regarded as a Nazi hero. His prized invention found its way into American hands as WWII was coming to an end. Seeing the potential in eliminating a sizable portion of the U.S. population (and in other industrial nations) so as to stabilize growth and normalize world economies, the U.S. Department of Defense seized the opportunity to introduce these "vaccines" to the masses so that their goals, albeit nefarious, could be realized. Now, people are led to so many lambs to slaughter as they line up at the various Krogers and health clinics to get their "flu shots," oblivious to the reality that they are simply an ends to a means.


Excellent detective work, ksysmikssiudykkjsiwk. A tip of my cap to you, my astute friend.

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It's because you're absolutely correct: vaccines cause cancer. It's a little known fact that vaccines were created by a one Dr. Hermann Schnitzel, a Nazi geneticist with a penchant for diabolical irony. With the full financial backing of Hitler, Dr. Schnitzel genetically engineered a potion that would, on the surface, protect an individual from measels and other fairly benign diseases, but at the same time sabotage the immune system by introducing mutagens that would insidiously transform into carcinogens and, ultimately, cancer. Beautifully lethal and yet so ingeniously simple, Dr. Schnitzel was regarded as a Nazi hero. His prized invention found its way into American hands as WWII was coming to an end. Seeing the potential in eliminating a sizable portion of the U.S. population (and in other industrial nations) so as to stabilize growth and normalize world economies, the U.S. Department of Defense seized the opportunity to introduce these "vaccines" to the masses so that their goals, albeit nefarious, could be realized. Now, people are led to so many lambs to slaughter as they line up at the various Krogers and health clinics to get their "flu shots," oblivious to the reality that they are simply an ends to a means.


Excellent detective work, ksysmikssiudykkjsiwk. A tip of my cap to you, my astute friend.


This deserves being quoted

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As the previous poster said, if you can't see a doctor, there is no one to diagnose you.


You can also see where manufacturing with little pollutant regulaton takes its toll (China, North America), though I am surprised at the extremely low rate of lung cancer in South Central Asia, as I always assumed they had an awful pollution problem. Maybe thats just Bangladesh/urban India.


Of course the most important thing about this representation is not the numbers themselves but an understanding of how to interpret them, something I don't think anyone on CR is entirely qualified to do (says the guy who just went ahead and interpreted the numbers anyways).




EDIT: OP, if you were looking for people to come in and say that vaccinations are the cause of cancer or that they're bad in general, I don't think you'll find that kind of mindset here. It's difficult to judge CR, but I think its a very small fringe who believe that vaccinations are bad. Just like it is impossible to keep "genetically mutated" products out of your diet in this country because at this point, everything has been genetically mutated by humans at some point in history, I think its nearly impossible to scientifically refute that, as a whole, vaccinations have been good for humanity.


Not looking for anything specific. I think it is a fair 'generalized' type of question. Lets leave Africa out of it.


Lets look at Western Asia and South/Central America. The lifespan in these countries is much longer than the lifespan in central Africa, yet the Cancer rate is still less than half of what we see in NA, AUS, NZL, which are the 3 most heavily vaccinated areas in the world. Would you suggest it is the food, lifestyle, or what? One could then argue that the food we produce here, is supposed to be up to a 'higher standard' and safer for us, than what others in the world are eating. That is of course why we have the FDA.


IMO the leading cause of cancer in our country is our food and lifestyle.


I bet if we starved and died early due to all the reasons the poor deprived folks your speaking of and never kept and good records or stats that we would appear cancer free too.


What about our Food and Lifestyle do you think? The FDA is supposed to mark all of our food safe. I would think the numbers for a developed country like ours should be way down, regardless of age.






Herpes doesn't kill, and there isn't a vaccine for it. I am not taking any stance, other than someone seeking answers, to numbers that look entirely wrong. I could see the lifespan argument coming into play, but these numbers still seem to be out of whack. Plenty of these cases are children also suffering from cancer(s).


I am just curious why the most developed countries, have the highest rate of cancer. Maybe I should phrase it that way? "Why do the most developed countries in the world, have the highest rate of cancer?"

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It's because you're absolutely correct: vaccines cause cancer. It's a little known fact that vaccines were created by a one Dr. Hermann Schnitzel, a Nazi geneticist with a penchant for diabolical irony. With the full financial backing of Hitler, Dr. Schnitzel genetically engineered a potion that would, on the surface, protect an individual from measels and other fairly benign diseases, but at the same time sabotage the immune system by introducing mutagens that would insidiously transform into carcinogens and, ultimately, cancer. Beautifully lethal and yet so ingeniously simple, the "vaccine" was born and Dr. Schnitzel was regarded as a Nazi hero. His prized invention found its way into American hands as WWII was coming to an end. Seeing the potential in eliminating a sizable portion of the U.S. population (and in other industrial nations) so as to stabilize growth and normalize world economies, the U.S. Department of Defense seized the opportunity to introduce these "vaccines" to the masses so that their goals, albeit nefarious, could be realized. Now, people are led to so many lambs to slaughter as they line up at the various Krogers and health clinics to get their "flu shots," oblivious to the reality that they are simply an ends to a means.


Excellent detective work, ksysmikssiudykkjsiwk. A tip of my cap to you, my astute friend.


While I appreciate your satire, I would argue that evidence has shown that Vaccination has been around since before the birth of christ. The Chinese were shown to be vaccinating people at that time.


Let me rephrase this for everyone then..... 'Why are the most developed countries, suffering from the highest cancer rates?"

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It's from our ease to do things, smoking for example, what percent of people who struggle to find food and water are able to smoke a pack a day that can lead to any kind of cancer


Do you think it is smoking something itself, or the additives that are put into the smokes?


Plenty of people all around the world, smoke various things, and don't suffer from as much cancer.

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What about our Food and Lifestyle do you think? The FDA is supposed to mark all of our food safe. I would think the numbers for a developed country like ours should be way down, regardless of age.


Isn't having the longest average life expectancy on the planet good enough? It's pretty clear that development = living longer. Even with higher cancer rates, we're living longer. So... the net is positive.


I think you're underestimating the effect of even living (on average) 5 years longer. When you get to be above 75, your DNA is brittle and worthless, your body is full of accumulated heavy metals and free radicals and junk, and your immune system is weak. Hello cancer!


Plus, we eat shitty processed foods (FDA approved!), have high levels of obesity, diabetes, heart disease... development = leisure time = shitty lifestyle choices = poor health. And yet, we're still living longer! Fuck you, biology!


It's good to investigate these things, but be cautious of buying into implied causality. After all, your same vaccine logic can be used to blame clean water or proper sanitation. Such as, I noticed in Africa that people drink from shit-infested rivers and poop in their kitchens, and they have half the cancer rate!

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Great question -- this is the way science works, someone sees a correlation and then tests it to see if there's any causality. I suspect someone out there has already done studies on this, and I also suspect that vaccines have been vindicated. But don't let my hunch stop you from doing more research.


As a starting point, I strongly suspect this has something to do with it:




It's hard to get cancer when you die in your late 30s.


But look at Japan and Singapore. Longest life expectancy, and while it is bunched in with "Eastern Asia" their Cancer Rate is almost half of what the USA's is.


And the types of cancers we seem to get at higher rates.


Eastern Asia is Lung, Stomach, Liver, Colon North America is Lung, Breast, Prostate, Colon.

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But look at Japan. Longest life expectancy, and while it is bunched in with "Eastern Asia" their Cancer Rate is almost half of what the USA's is.


You're rather quickly dismissing the fact that it's "bunched in" with Eastern Asia. That's not a throwaway distinction. According to my link, Japan's life expectancy is almost 15 years more than Mongolia, which they got lumped in with on your cancer map. 15 fucking years. You think that might be bringing down their average?


eta: Japan's population is also extremely top heavy, since their birth rate is so low and immigration is almost non-existent. Their population is declining, and most of the people left are old. China, on the other hand, has the opposite problem -- lots of babies, and people in rural areas still die young. Lumping the two together makes Japan look much more cancer free than it probably is.




You're 5 times more likely to get cancer at 77 than you are at 52. Getting old is probably the leading cause of dying.

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Isn't having the longest average life expectancy on the planet good enough? It's pretty clear that development = living longer. Even with higher cancer rates, we're living longer. So... the net is positive.


You could assume it is a postivie, but look at the millions of people struggling with this 'disease' everyday. Doesn't one start to look at the numbers, and go 'what are we doing wrong?'


I think you're underestimating the effect of even living (on average) 5 years longer. When you get to be above 75, your DNA is brittle and worthless, your body is full of accumulated heavy metals and free radicals and junk, and your immune system is weak. Hello cancer!


Why would one want to inject heavy metals to being with?


Plus, we eat shitty processed foods (FDA approved!), have high levels of obesity, diabetes, heart disease... development = leisure time = shitty lifestyle choices = poor health. And yet, we're still living longer! Fuck you, biology!


So should we start eating better foods, that aren't processed and full of chemicals?


It's good to investigate these things, but be cautious of buying into implied causality. After all, your same vaccine logic can be used to blame clean water or proper sanitation. Such as, I noticed in Africa that people drink from shit-infested rivers and poop in their kitchens, and they have half the cancer rate!


Very true. Just odd, that the most developed countries have the highest rates of cancer.

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While I appreciate your satire, I would argue that evidence has shown that Vaccination has been around since before the birth of christ. The Chinese were shown to be vaccinating people at that time.


You mean the same China that forbids parents to have more than one child? Sounds like genocide the long way, if you ask me.


And it's also a little known fact that Jesus was Chinese. Recent analyses conducted at the California Institute of Technology (CIT) revealed that early portraits of Jesus demonstrated definitively that he had distinctive Chinese features, like his eyelids, beard, and sandals. The rise of the Anglo Saxons resulted in Jesus' image being "recreated" if you will to portray a more decidedly Caucasian version. Dr. Michael Bross at CIT even issued a press release: "The Jesus Christ that we all know is likely a sham. In all statistically probability, the true Jesus Christ looked more similar to Jackie Chan than John Stamos."


Yes, the Chinese have been "vaccinating" for a very long time. And, by vaccinating, I mean butchering. I would guess it's probably revenge for having Jesus stolen from them.

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You mean the same China that forbids parents to have more than one child? Sounds like genocide the long way, if you ask me.


And it's also a little known fact that Jesus was Chinese. Recent analyses conducted at the California Institute of Technology (CIT) revealed that early portraits of Jesus demonstrated definitively that he had distinctive Chinese features, like his eyelids, beard, and sandals. The rise of the Anglo Saxons resulted in Jesus' image being "recreated" if you will to portray a more decidedly Caucasian version. Dr. Michael Bross at CIT even issued a press release: "The Jesus Christ that we all know is likely a sham. In all statistically probability, the true Jesus Christ looked more similar to Jackie Chan than John Stamos."


Yes, the Chinese have been "vaccinating" for a very long time. And, by vaccinating, I mean butchering. I would guess it's probably revenge for having Jesus stolen from them.


Thanks again for the comedic satire. I will be sure to direct all my future questions directly to you.

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You could assume it is a postivie, but look at the millions of people struggling with this 'disease' everyday. Doesn't one start to look at the numbers, and go 'what are we doing wrong?'


I suppose it's worth looking at, but I'd rather live longer and get cancer at some point than die young.


Why would one want to inject heavy metals to being with?


You don't inject heavy metals, they exist in our environment and accumulate over time. Your body can't filter them out like it can with other toxins, so every trace of mercury, lead, etc that you've ever consumed is still in your body. If you've ever eaten an animal, you have heavy metals in you, because those animals couldn't filter them out either. That's why pregnant women aren't supposed to eat tuna or other large fish -- metals are disproportionately high in the ocean, fish are disproportionately carnivores, and tuna and grouper and the like are just chock full of mercury. That mercury will get passed on to the fetus and is prone to cause problems. Plus the fetus can't get rid of the metal either, so if you eat tuna when you're pregnant, your child can die at the ripe old age of 90 with that same mercury somewhere in him.


And heavy metals are known to cause cancer.


So should we start eating better foods, that aren't processed and full of chemicals?


Probably. I don't think a lot of the chemicals are necessarily all that bad for you in moderation, but eating nothing but processed foods is probably not great for you. If nothing else, it tends to make people fat.


Very true. Just odd, that the most developed countries have the highest rates of cancer.


It's odd until you start thinking about it. Then it kinda makes sense.

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You bring up the issue of food and FDA. If I had to venture a completely uneducated assumption, it would be that the amount of untested chemicals in our processed food far outweighs any benefits afforded by having the FDA.


Not at all a factual reference for my opinion, but this humor article I think highlights some of the nutrition problems we in America face (even though it takes quite a few liberties with the inferences it makes).



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