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Columbus drivers


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Houston drivers are much worse than Columbus drivers.


Dallas drivers are probably worse than Houston drivers. I consider Dallas to be worse drivers than the 3rd world countries I have had the pleasure of visiting. Atleast Columbus/OH drivers use a turn signal, and eventually find their speedometer above the speed limit. You have to expect the worst case scenario in every driver in Dallas, because 75% of the time, the idiot in front of you will do it.

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You have idiot drivers everywhere. I had someone try to push me over today on rt 33. I have a close call almost everyday while driving my truck and trailer around the city. Im sure the odds are worse for me since I drive so much. Now in Florida what I noticed is that everyone seems to race from one light to another. I mean they take off like they are drag racing you from light to light but its just the way they drive.
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Dallas drivers are probably worse than Houston drivers. I consider Dallas to be worse drivers than the 3rd world countries I have had the pleasure of visiting. Atleast Columbus/OH drivers use a turn signal, and eventually find their speedometer above the speed limit. You have to expect the worst case scenario in every driver in Dallas, because 75% of the time, the idiot in front of you will do it.


Dallas is pretty bad, and there are a lot of streets in need of repair there as well.

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Dallas is pretty bad, and there are a lot of streets in need of repair there as well.


That's damn near every street. Sad that a city as large as Dallas can't keep up with road repair. It takes them a week and then some just to finish 50 yards of road. Austin isn't nearly as bad, but I remember traffic can get even more retarded there too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dallas drivers are probably worse than Houston drivers. I consider Dallas to be worse drivers than the 3rd world countries I have had the pleasure of visiting. Atleast Columbus/OH drivers use a turn signal, and eventually find their speedometer above the speed limit. You have to expect the worst case scenario in every driver in Dallas, because 75% of the time, the idiot in front of you will do it.


TX drivers across this state stuck. Made me appreciate OH. Turn signals do not exist on the vehicles here, nor does the ability to properly merge onto the freeway, or the ability to use any common sense while driving. My family and I have lived in 5 different states and we all agree, TX has the worst drivers we have seen anywhere.

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TX drivers across this state stuck. Made me appreciate OH. Turn signals do not exist on the vehicles here, nor does the ability to properly merge onto the freeway, or the ability to use any common sense while driving. My family and I have lived in 5 different states and we all agree, TX has the worst drivers we have seen anywhere.


I hope we get another winter storm like last year. Watching folks try to drive in snow here is halarious at best. I'm fixin to move out of downtown Dallas here in the next year hopefully.

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pittsburgh is worse than columbus by a wide margin




one of my best friends lives out there...whenever i go to visit, i drive to his house, park my car, and do not drive until it's time to head home...i ride around with him everywhere...he's been in more accidents than i can remember in that city, once when i was even in the car (some drunk rearended a focus behind him, pushing the focus into his car, and his car into the van in front of him)....someone just rearended his work truck a couple weeks ago, cars been sideswiped multiple times while parked on the street. parking is stupid down there...we were there a few weeks ago, turn down a street, cars on the side of the streets like normal, then for 2 lanes DOWN THE CENTER OF THE ROAD, there were cars parked. so looking from overhead it would look like this





fuck that city. if he wasn't a good friend, i'd never return.

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