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Mw3 midnight release?


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This week is gonna be nutty as hell. With mw3 comming out tonite, Playing bf3 at the same time, elder scrolls comming out friday and then the movie "the immortals" coming out friday as well. I'm going to have no life. brb, playing mw3,bf3, and elders til I die.


This is the way to do it. LIKE A BAUCE.



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ok soooo whos coming and being a dumb ass and standing around in the cold for hours upon hours untill midnight for the midnight release for mw3?


last year anthony me tina some fat redneck, dragknee, carwhore and a few others all froze our asses off to get the game...sooo whos in?



we are going to game stop off off 256 in the wallmart parking lot


While your standing outside i'll be all nice and warm in the comfy ass chairs in the best buy movie theatre playing MW3 :fuckyeah:

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I don't see the big deal about BF3, it plays like ass.


It's cool, I see all you BF3 fanboys moving to MW3 within the month.


Plays like ass, whaaat? FIFA skeletal engine and frostbite are ftw. Although, the console version blows dick.

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BF3 finally broke my addiction to Homefront. I'll stick with it until I've cleared all the upgrades and then jump on MW3. I like the differences between the FPS games. You seem to play each a little different. As much as I like the whole COD series....I have to say it seems to have more cheaters, campers and runners than the other FPS games. I really hope there is another Homefront. I hated it at first but it really grew on me. It just doesn't have the diversity of maps the other series have.
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Hoping this is a step up in quality over BLOPS. I barely lasted 6 months with that garbage hit detection before I went back to MW2. I could theoretically be working anywhere from 8:30-4am tonight, so hopefully it's at the earlier end of that spectrum and I can go pick this up.
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BF3 finally broke my addiction to Homefront. I'll stick with it until I've cleared all the upgrades and then jump on MW3. I like the differences between the FPS games. You seem to play each a little different. As much as I like the whole COD series....I have to say it seems to have more cheaters, campers and runners than the other FPS games. I really hope there is another Homefront. I hated it at first but it really grew on me. It just doesn't have the diversity of maps the other series have.


BF3 already has thousands of cheaters, btw. PunkBuster can't keep up.

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I hate you all.


I have a high needs kid so when I get home from work at night, then my *2nd* job starts. I don't even have time to fap at nights. *sigh*


















There's always time to fap :masturboy:

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BF3 already has thousands of cheaters, btw. PunkBuster can't keep up.


I bet. Too many kids with lots of time on their hands. It's funny how strongly they contest when you confront them too. I entered one game in Homefront and noticed my gamer tag was swapped with another. I also noticed that no one could see me and I wasn't taking any damage. I literally ran around the map knifing every opposing player over and over. :fuckyeah: It reverted back the next round and I noticed the other gamertag got like 60 kills. I sent him a note and he freaked out. spammed me for a few days. I have him set to avoid. :no:

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