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Issue 2

El Karacho1647545492

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I'm not as much interested in the outcome as I am to see the total combined vote total as a % of Ohio population.


I'm guessing 15% of the state population voted. Nothing going on at the national level so the only people that care are the people that REALLY care.

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I voted yes for it as well while I don't agree with it 100% there def needs to be some changes made. If it fails guess they will have to go back to the books to figure out a better plan or make changes to parts of it like the benefits and healthcare first then go from there.
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Props to political leaders who aren't afraid to be voted out. I supported what Kasich did/does. He is steppin' out of the box and people are scared IMO.


Yes here....


Looks like it will be going down, but I don't doubt for a second this is the end of it.

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Props to political leaders who aren't afraid to be voted out. I supported what Kasich did/does. He is steppin' out of the box and people are scared IMO.


Yes here....


Looks like it will be going down, but I don't doubt for a second this is the end of it.


you might be retarded....if you dont know, act like you know.

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I'll bet you believe everything you see on the Internet too


LOL that is what I was thinking...



This bill was a flaming fail turd from the start put together by a sad goverment. Maybe if they did the right thing the cuts would be made, this was not it.

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so i wont lie i dont know what what issue 2 was about but i know it affects my best friend thats a paramedic/fire fighter.


since the voting is done can any one explain what is is and what was the ourcome? and please no flamming or bull shit please

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so i wont lie i dont know what what issue 2 was about but i know it affects my best friend thats a paramedic/fire fighter.


since the voting is done can any one explain what is is and what was the ourcome? and please no flamming or bull shit please


Try getting your lazy ass off redtube for a minute and become informed to the issues and get your stupid ass to the poles. I dont care how you vote just get an opinion and do it.

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so i wont lie i dont know what what issue 2 was about but i know it affects my best friend thats a paramedic/fire fighter.


How did he say it affected him?


Basically, it took public service workers and told them that they would only be allowed to colectively bargin for wages. That's fine, but it told them to shove it in terms of continuing to expect not to contribute towards their own health insurance and pensions. (which honestly needs changed thus why I supported it) It also told them to shove it in terms of going on strike if they didn't get their way on Health Insurance and Pensions. (again, I support that) The private sector is moving towards employees paying 25% of their healthcare premiums. Ohio Issue 2 simply sets the minimum employee health insurance contribution at 15 percent. Sweet deal still don't ya think? Yet so many seem to have a sense of entitlement that it wasn't good enough for them. Pound that shit. The 10 percent minimum contribution to individual retirement plans helps the guaranteed pension affordable for Ohio taxpayers. The taxpayers...you know the ones public service jobs support. Again, the bill still allowed for Unions to negotiate upon the behalf of employees for working conditions and wages.


IMO if they go on strike because they want the rest of us to pay their healthcare and retirement, then replace their asses. Times are different and they need to change too. The days of putting in 20 years and collecting a pension then going out and double dipping need to end. IMO if a cop puts in 20yrs and retires, that's fine, but they shouldn't get their money until age 60-67 like the rest of us. Until then, retire and go get another job if they wish. Way too much of our tax dollars are spent taking care of public servants that are retired. Fuck that.


What really ticks me off is just like back when Coleman was lobbying for the .5% income tax increase and used FUD about the impact of not doing so would have on public safety, is the same bullshit being thrown around by firefighters and the same group on this bill. " it will jeopardize the safety of residents during emergencies. " Bullshit......the city and the officials won't let that happen and neither will the people. If Coleman wanted to threaten to cut cops, then we should have pushed him to do that. I guarantee if he did, his dumb ass wouldn't have won yesterday. THAT's why he supported the increase. To get people to "buy into" the bullshit, pay the broken system more money out of fear and to get his ass elected again. SELF SERVING.


Columbus is filled with stupid voters. So then next time anyone bitches about these issues, thank those that voted for continuing the same old broken system, who fell for the bullshit Coleman is selling, who bought into the FUD that get's rumored to occur and helped the system continue to serve themselves and help no one. I hope their all happy coughing up more of their hard earned income for nothing and not impacting any meaningful change.


Off my soap box.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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so i wont lie i dont know what what issue 2 was about but i know it affects my best friend thats a paramedic/fire fighter.


Honestly, stuff like this is one of the main reasons that it was voted down. People believed the propoganda spewed about how their house would burn down if Issue 2 was approved, or felt guilty about it because they had a friend/relative who would be affected by it, so they voted no. I think it people would have sat down and really paid attention to what issue 2 was, and took the emotion out of it, it would have passed hands down.

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How did he say it affected him?


Basically, it took public service workers and told them that they would only be allowed to colectively bargin for wages. That's fine, but it told them to shove it in terms of continuing to expect not to contribute towards their own health insurance and pensions. (which honestly needs changed thus why I supported it) It also told them to shove it in terms of going on strike if they didn't get their way on Health Insurance and Pensions. (again, I support that) The private sector is moving towards employees paying 25% of their healthcare premiums. Ohio Issue 2 simply sets the minimum employee health insurance contribution at 15 percent. Sweet deal still don't ya think? Yet so many seem to have a sense of entitlement that it wasn't good enough for them. Pound that shit. The 10 percent minimum contribution to individual retirement plans helps the guaranteed pension affordable for Ohio taxpayers. The taxpayers...you know the ones public service jobs support. Again, the bill still allowed for Unions to negotiate upon the behalf of employees for working conditions and wages.


IMO if they go on strike because they want the rest of us to pay their healthcare and retirement, then replace their asses. Times are different and they need to change too. The days of putting in 20 years and collecting a pension then going out and double dipping need to end. IMO if a cop puts in 20yrs and retires, that's fine, but they shouldn't get their money until age 60-67 like the rest of us. Until then, retire and go get another job if they wish. Way too much of our tax dollars are spent taking care of public servants that are retired. Fuck that.


no offense Tim but you do realize this is a direct effect on police/ fire fighters and medics. this would have removed the police's rights to bargain for necessity items like bullet proof vests.


as far as the health care costs I understand where you coming from but also remember the vast majority of the government employees are underpaid.

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Times are different and they need to change too. The days of putting in 20 years and collecting a pension then going out and double dipping need to end. IMO if a cop puts in 20yrs and retires, that's fine, but they shouldn't get their money until age 60-67 like the rest of us. Until then, retire and go get another job if they wish. Way too much of our tax dollars are spent taking care of public servants that are retired. Fuck that.


I agree completely, I also feel there benefit package and lack of contributions to their insurance and retirement needs to be more in line with the private sector.


All of these things are what are negotiated in there contract. The elected officials are responsible for there contract. They agreed to give them the benefits in the contract negotiations. They need to step up and do there job in the negotiations.


How would you like it if you went and bought a new car, you struck a deal with the sales manager and left with your car. when you got your payment book the payments were more than you agreed to. The dealer explained that they could not afford to sell you the car for that price, so they made a new law and raised the price of your car and you are stuck with the deal THEY decided was fair. This is america and people have the right to organize and have a union represent them. And for the record I am not in a union, in my entire lifetime I have been in a union less than 2 years. I have no love for the union mentality or work ethic.

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It was reported by the local news this morning that 24 million was spent by the people against it, and 8 million was spent for people for it. So it is no surprise to me it failed, also why any information I tried to learn about it made me get past all the propaganda about how bad it is.
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