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Official NBA 2011-12 Thread


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but ferreal i cannot wait for all these dudes to start getting their homes foreclosed on and cities start losing millions.


i find it kinda funny that they (owners vs players) each hold the key to eachothers ability to have a season, but cannot find common ground. thus they both lose out.

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but ferreal i cannot wait for all these dudes to start getting their homes foreclosed on and cities start losing millions.


i find it kinda funny that they (owners vs players) each hold the key to eachothers ability to have a season, but cannot find common ground. thus they both lose out.




the players are going to get fucked by this deal. i am so tired of people who dont know wtf is going on saying the players are selfish and shouldnt be able to dictate what the owners do. the old players are employees, owners are bosses mentality. heres the point, A the owners signed a contract years ago, they made awful financial moves, now they are backing out of the contract. the players want compensation and freedom to move when their contract is up. owners dont want that free will limitation and want a competitive balance. the owners need the players to make this work, and the players need the owners to pay those checks. the 52% deal is worth about 80 million $ more than the 50/50 split. thats a ton of $. im betting there wont be a season this yr.

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I don't think there will be a season either and honestly I am glad. I hate pro sports for the simple fact of players crying about needing more money and owners needing more money. Its a fucking game that grown men get paid millions to play and cry about everything in the process. The shittiest part about pro sports is how the concession workers usually make minimum wage while busting their asses lol.
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I dont think this has anything to do with Greed. The owners are trying to give the players a raw deal and they are not going for it.


Are you kidding me? The players who make millions are getting the raw deal? Hell the lowest paid player in the league last year made over 300k, thats a raw deal? I want a raw deal then!!

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So as an employee of say Verizon you should have the right to dictate what the owners of Verizon do? Just used Verizon as an example since a lot of my buddies either work for them or have worked for them.


FWIW I think they both need to either put up or shut up. They got a few options, fold the league or the players can go over seas and play ball

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couple of facts:

1. I fucking hate pro basketball, bunch of fucking grown men acting like sissies b/c someone slapped the back of their hand and thats called a foul. Fuck that.

2. NBA serves no real importance so long as there's college basketball, NFL, NCAA Football and hockey.

3. They're all greedy.

4. For someone to bitch that a professional athlete makes too much money, its much more than a game. its entertainment. Thats like saying actors make too much money for pretending to be someone else. Guess who pays them that money? YOU DO!

5. I feel no remorse for any NBA player who cant manage their finance's beyond today. They've known about the possability for a lockout for a while, now that its here deal with it. The owner's are waiting out the players b/c they know they will break first and guess what? they're right.

6. commence "your ignorant and dont know what the fuck your talking about" replies.

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So as an employee of say Verizon you should have the right to dictate what the owners of Verizon do? Just used Verizon as an example since a lot of my buddies either work for them or have worked for them.


FWIW I think they both need to either put up or shut up. They got a few options, fold the league or the players can go over seas and play ball


I cant agree with you on this one. There are plenty of industries that have unions to protect their member's from being taken advantage of. If the owners had they're way they would pay each player $20,000 a year and tell them to wash cars in the off season with no benefits. Thats how the NFL was back in the day before the NFLPA got their shit together. Not defending one side or the other, just saying look at the bigger picture of unions in general.

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So as an employee of say Verizon you should have the right to dictate what the owners of Verizon do? Just used Verizon as an example since a lot of my buddies either work for them or have worked for them.FWIW I think they both need to either put up or shut up. They got a few options, fold the league or the players can go over seas and play ball


here is the difference, you can find mindless phone reps anywhere to do a basic job. how man dwight howards are there in the world? the money matches the talent and eliteness (not sure if word) of the player. do you want to go to a game and watch the cleveland cavs of 2010 or the cavs of 2009? think about it? if the whole nba was full of the cavs roster would anyone watch anymore? NO, no body would watch that garbage. so when you have that leverage, you can flex it to your advantage. thats where the union comes into play. its not a regular employee employer situation. the league requires the best of the best and the owners want to pay the least amount for the highest quality. supply and demand chief, its basic business. the players have given more than enough and the owners want more. they wanted 47% and the players wanted 52%. the 50/50 deal was a joke, the fine print was insane. so saddle up cause its going to be a long seasonless year.

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When 22 teams are losing money there are going to have to be cuts on way or another. If the owners are not making money then the players have no job. It was the owners fault for the deal they signed before and now the players will have to pay for it. The amount a veteran who sits on the bench and plays maybe 1 minute a game is shocking. If the NBA comes back next year I wouldn't be surprised if there were two teams contracted.
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When 22 teams are losing money there are going to have to be cuts on way or another. If the owners are not making money then the players have no job. It was the owners fault for the deal they signed before and now the players will have to pay for it. The amount a veteran who sits on the bench and plays maybe 1 minute a game is shocking. If the NBA comes back next year I wouldn't be surprised if there were two teams contracted.


no teams will be contracted unfortunalty but there should be a few teams that are cut out completely.

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I feel bad for everybody but the players and owners. There are a lot of other non-million/billionaires that are going to suffer because of these guys.


Let these players have to get real jobs and deal with real world problems. Guess we will see how dumb some of these guys really are.

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