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Some faggot decided it was a fine time to kick and pull the mirror off my car at the bar tonight....


Time to change bars? Mebbe one with fewer faggots? :p



Seriously, this type of stuff is crappy. I can understand (but still resent) drug addicts breaking into a car to steal, but pointless destruction especially incites me. And this expensive damage seems to always happen when you can least afford it. :mad:

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Time to change bars? Mebbe one with fewer faggots? :p



Seriously, this type of stuff is crappy. I can understand (but still resent) drug addicts breaking into a car to steal, but pointless destruction especially incites me. And this expensive damage seems to always happen when you can least afford it. :mad:


Thankfully it should be covered by insurance...


Shitty part is, this is my 2nd claim in 2 months for damage from someone elses negligence or jackassery. The worst part isn't the mirror either, the paint on the door got fucked hard.

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Maybe they thought it was your roommates car?


maybe it was drunk people doing drunk people things?


Buy a new mirror for a hundred bucks and get with Kevin Clifford about the paint if it really bothers you. The man is a







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