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2011 Rally North America official video


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Featuring Team #16 (Farkas and Doc) and Team #17 (Paul-Michael and Nicky, who one first place on Day #2, the toughest day)


It's over 30 minutes, and there's a smattering of all of us through the whole thing, so there's no one spot to which I can point you. There's footage of each of our teams at the drag strip, and part of a lap the Bentley did at Darlington.


It's a long watch but gives you a good feel for what these rallies are about. And yeah, that's the Bentley in the in-car video of our discussion with the South Carolina State Trooper.



And here's the recap thread:



Why not join us this summer for Rally Dixie 2012? :)

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Myself and Justin, use to be with Independent Motorsports, plan on being there 2012. I start work to prep the car in 3 weeks. EXCITED!!!


Your post about this made me really want to do this when I get back. Thanks for the great posts on this Doc.


Thank you for your registration submission!

You have been added to the Rally Dixie 2012 official stand-by list.

If a spot opens up for your team, you will be contacted directly by a Rally North America official and given further instructions.


-The Rally North America admins

Edited by Mojoe
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Man that sure looks like a fun trip, you'll never forget it. I need to MAKE time for myself and get out and do these kinds of things.


Wished that at the end of the day they had put up a map showing where you traveled that day.

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Myself and Justin, use to be with Independent Motorsports, plan on being there 2012. I start work to prep the car in 3 weeks. EXCITED!!!


Great news, Joe. I'm sure you'll get a spot. In the Route 66 Rally, we all got spots just a few months before the rally. Since you're signed up now, you're sure to get in.



awesome guys!

that looks like alot of fun.


maybe i would join.. but on the bike


I think you'd have a blast, Ryan. I have considered trying it on a bike (no one has done it in Rally North America), but I dismiss the idea quickly. There's so much on-the-fly navigation and internet work you have to do just to find the checkpoints, that it would be a really tough challenge on a bike. Plus, the mileage is pretty high, and the conditions for Rally Dixie will likely be adverse (90+ temps and humid). If you do it, you'll be the envy of us all. Most people wouldn't even attempt it without a navigator, let alone on a bike.


One of the military fellows did it alone and in a convertible Corvair without air, and no one could believe he finished.


I want to do this some day. Not to win, but to enjoy the drive. I take it the only prep/tech is to be sure the car is sound and safe for highway use?


Yep. Some people go crazy with performance mods, bring extra tires/wheels, mount police lights, etc., but you can go in a totally stock car and still have a blast. Look at Paul-Michael and Nicky -- they won in a 25 year old diesel :fuckyeah:



Man that sure looks like a fun trip, you'll never forget it. I need to MAKE time for myself and get out and do these kinds of things.


Wished that at the end of the day they had put up a map showing where you traveled that day.


It would have a been a crazy line, zigzagging all over the map. And not everyone chose the same route. The video could have been better, but it's prolly the best video I'll ever be in. The guy shooting it is a hoot, too. He hangs way out of the window, stands on top of cars on the highway, does lots of crazy stuff. He shot the BullRun every year up until 2011.

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I want to do this next year with my wife. Make sure you post up registration.


By "next year," are you talking about 2012? I already posted the registration info, registration filled, and there's a wait list. If you want to sign up on that (as Mojoe and Justin have done), I would guarantee you could drive this coming summer.


But if you mean 2013, there won't be info available for that for another 7 or 8 months. Just bookmark the Rally North America website and you can stay current on the regional and national rallies. http://www.rallynorthamerica.com/


You two would be very fun to have along.


Doc, i have the wife as co pilot. And we both have iphones and the gps. Milage is not an issue, we have done many 500+ mile days. My only issue is we would have to fill up every 200 - 250 miles
Ryan, I believe you could do it. Not many would be able to. The problems for me is that it is really exhausting for most crews to even do this in a car. There are times that nearly constant internet searching is needed, and this would not be a breeze while rolling two-up on a bike. For example, you may be given a photograph of something (a clock tower comes to mind), and told you need to find it. It may very well be 200 miles away, in another state even. No one you stop on the street has ever seen this clock tower. That's gonna take some pretty clever internet searching, tour book searching, you get the idea. In a car, one person is driving in a logical direction (towards the bigger roads or towards the state that the 2nd next checkpoint is believed to be), while the nav man is furiously trying internet searches/phone calls to area tourist bureaus in an attempt to get a positive ID on where the f______ this photo was taken. I'm not sure how well you could do it on a bike. If you went, we car folks would try to help if you got stumped. In fact, a number of the entries worked in teams. But with the weather switching up (rain storms, terrible heat, cold in the mornings) having all the nav gear, clothing, electronics to do this as well as a car would be a real feat. But that would make it that much more admirable to try. And remember, nights are for drinking and fun, and so we had a trunk full of luggage for clothing changes, camera gear, etc., so that we could hit the pool, change and go to a nice restaurant, essentially be comfortable in the various activities. Again, I think you could count on the other CR teams to tote a suitcase or two of your stuff so that you didn't have to jam everything onto the bike.


Doc which car was supposed to be a Cosworth STi?


Black STi is all I remember. Farkas would have to give you the details. His mind is good for the car minutiae. In the video, you get an idea for my interest in technical specs from my answer to "Doc, tell us about your car?" Me: "It's comfortable." :cool: What I remember is watching him disappear in my rear view mirror after he honked off a 60 roll. Didn't hear from him again for the rest of the Rally, and it was the last I heard anyone talk about the Cosworth.

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By "next year," are you talking about 2012? I already posted the registration info, registration filled, and there's a wait list. If you want to sign up on that (as Mojoe and Justin have done), I would guarantee you could drive this coming summer.


But if you mean 2013, there won't be info available for that for another 7 or 8 months. Just bookmark the Rally North America website and you can stay current on the regional and national rallies. http://www.rallynorthamerica.com/


You two would be very fun to have along.


I just registered on the Stand By list.


Lets hope we get a spot!!!


Thanks Doc. I must have missed the thread for the initial registration.

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LOL "disappear" yeah I bet it was a stg 2 car at best on a stock motor.


It was definitely a Cosworth build.


The owner of the car who I'm friends with on FB had a pretty good chat with me after the rally. I'm a little foggy on the exact details, but apparently the car was pre-owned by a gentleman who dumped nearly 100k into the car and had basically lost nearly everything to his wife in divorce, and put the car up on eBay for a quick sale. IIRC the current owner said he got it for around 20k? I'll see if I can dig up some pictures real quick and post them up.


Looking at the car, I have no problem believing it was a Cosworth build. He gave me a quick peek under the hood and I about pissed myself. :eek:

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Just got my email from Tony, the guy running the Rally, they want to talk to me. Looks like Tony is getting a call from Afghanistan. Man, I am stoked for this!!!


Doc and Farkas, I'm going to be in Columbus in a few weeks, like the 9th of January. Would love to chat with you guys, maybe see the club house, and may see how we can all work together on this.

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Talked to them this morning. I have my spot ready.



Joe (mojoe) they dot have a good number for you, he wanted me to have you Email him.



Opps, just read this after I posted. Thanks John, good looking out. Yeah, the only # I had to give him was my cell= on hold while I'm out of the country. I emailed him though.


Freaking great to see all the interest from Columbus. Would like us all to meet up in January.

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Would like us all to meet up in January.


Not a problem at all. If we can find a date most everyone can gather, I'll be happy to host the group at the hangout. There is also a new Columbus team who are friends of Paul-Michael but not CR members. That makes 6 Columbus teams in all so far.

Edited by Doc
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