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Slow drivers in the passing lane


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Technically you can get a ticket. Impeeding the flow of traffic is a ticketable offense regardless of the speed at which people are traveling.

Very true. But unfortunately they rarely enforce it here. If they would step up the tickets it MIGHT happen a bit less.

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Very true. But unfortunately they rarely enforce it here. If they would step up the tickets it MIGHT happen a bit less.


If I worked for highway patrol I would probably get in trouble because I would write those tickets all the fucking time

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Very true. But unfortunately they rarely enforce it here. If they would step up the tickets it MIGHT happen a bit less.


I agree. I think they should enforce it much more. In my opinion those slow drivers are more of a danger that some of the speeders. Not to mention the traffic congestion that they create. I wanna kill someone when I have to days of thunder 20 fricken cars only to get to the front and see those fuckers 4 wide at 65 mph with a half mile of empty road in front of them.

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The real world is not Nascar we don't need a pase car. If I want to go 85 mph in a state where the top speed is 65 mph that is my own agenda and it is between me and the police to discuss otherwise. NOT OTHER DRIVERS!


SO many times I wish I had the guts to throw something out my window as I pass a douche on the right.

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I would love to work in a state w/ unmarked patrol cars and spend all day ticketing asshole drivers...slow in the left lanes (even if its a road like morse, i fucking hate when people drive side by side and wont allow anyone to pass), no turn signals, swerving because youre texting, etc.


Id make it my own personal new rome

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This is the only time I would want a big ass SUV or truck to get the slow driver to move over. Trying to "encourage" the slow driver to move over in a low Saab isn't very efficient.


It's true my big ass truck encourages many of the dumb asses to get over. I drive it like an ass when I'm around people like this but to the normal I try to stay back so I'm not blinding them.

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