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Nikon D4 Video


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Perhaps just my opinion, but a camera body is pretty much the very last things of importance in photography. Brand is pretty much not relevant at all either.


Tom is a friend that I met just this last year during a meet-up. To this day, he's one of the most creative and inspirational wedding photographers I've worked with. I rank Tom as of the tops in my book.


His camera of choice is a Canon 40D. Why? Show me where his images lack and where there's a need to upgrade.




Penny Adams is a personal friend and local. She shoots mainly with a 20D.




I wish my work was more than just a hobby gone one step forward. They are true professionals working full time in this arena. I love referencing their work as it's truly inspirational in showing that the best upgrade anyone with camera can do is internal and essentially FREE. If you must buy something, my advice, make it a great piece of glass or a solid lighting system.


The D4 does look like a nice piece of gear though :gabe:

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for all the Nikonians still getting wood, here's another for you to rub out on.


Cinematic work done exclusively with the D4



The time lapse stuff is breathtakign, but that can be done with alot of equpment that is already out there..Camera wise..

There is a beautiful Oregon video that was done earlier this year (i think i posted it here) that is all timelapse photography..

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The time lapse stuff is breathtakign, but that can be done with alot of equpment that is already out there..Camera wise..

There is a beautiful Oregon video that was done earlier this year (i think i posted it here) that is all timelapse photography..


I'd be curious to see that. When I went to Oregon in August I talked to a guy doing a time lapse shoot from a spot on the Columbia River Gorge. Wonder if its the same one.

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