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More on the pussification of America


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From: Dulle, Marybeth [dullem4@xavier.edu]

Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 2:26 PM

Subject: Crosstown Shootout Mandatory Reflection Session


This message is being sent on behalf of the Dean of Students


Dear Xavier Student:


As you are aware, violations of what Xavier considers to be appropriate conduct occurred at a variety of levels at the Men’s Basketball Crosstown Shootout between Xavier and the University of Cincinnati on Saturday, December 10, 2011. The student section contributed to the hostile atmosphere that charged the arena with unsportsmanlike conduct through unacceptable chanting, verbal expletives, and objects being thrown onto the arena floor. As a Jesuit, Catholic university, the behaviors demonstrated are not becoming of its students and is in conflict with the mission, values, and standards of Xavier University.


There are consequences associated with inappropriate behaviors by the student section ticket holders; therefore, all Xavier students who attended the Crosstown Shootout and who sat in the student section are expected to participate in one (1) of three (3) reflection sessions during the first week of the spring semester, 2012. All three (3) reflection sessions will be held in Kennedy Auditorium, Conaton Learning Commons from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. The dates from which you may choose are:


Sunday, January 8, 2012


Monday, January 9, 2012


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Attendance will be taken at these sessions. You will be ineligible to receive men’s basketball home game tickets for the remainder of the 2011-12 season should you dismiss this obligation.


There will be no make-up sessions and no exceptions for non-compliance with this expectation.


There will be a sign out procedure following the session that will require your University ALL Card; please make sure to bring this with you.


Thank you.


Dr. Luther Smith


Dean of Students


Luther G. Smith, PhD

Dean of Students

Division of Student Life and Leadership

Gallagher Student Center, Room 300

T 513-745-3166



BAHAHA! This is unbelievable! I mean the Pussification of America doesn’t even begin to accurately describe how big of a pussy move this is. Xavier students being forced to go to reflection sections to think about how they behaved in the student section during the Cincy game. To make them repent for chanting “You Suck” at the Bearcats. And best of all they are taking attendance! Umm somebody remind me how old are college kids are again? It can’t be more than 4 or 5 years old right? Seriously this is unreal! It’s fucking sports! It’s the fucking Crosstown Shoot Out! If you’re not cursing and screaming and being loud and obnoxious than you’re not doing your job. It’s supposed to be hostile and rowdy. That’s the whole point of a rivalry. That’s what makes sports great. The only people who should have to reflect are the people were acting civilized. I mean you got your 9 foot center getting knocked out in broad daylight. This isn’t time to reflect. It’s time for action.




Xavier students being forced to go to some reflection assembly because of their behavior at the crosstown shootout? Smells like bullshit to me

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Smells like an extremely normal and completely typical Catholic school response to me. This is pretty relaxed.


They got off easy.


This ^


I was thinking WTF until I read:

and objects being thrown onto the arena floor.


Chanting, whatever but they shouldn't be throwing shit.

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While it sucks that not everyone who attended was being an ass, it's time to push some accountability on some of those who did throw things. I don't know how many times I hear "It's not my fault, so and so did this......" on a daily basis. These people spend more time trying to blame somoeone else for what they did then it would take to own up to thier mistakes.

Can't say that this is the pussification. More like "I can't believe people are being punished for their stupidity".

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Yea, dumb... but it is a PRIVATE catholic university, they can do whatever the fuck they want. 40 years ago, when things were WAY more conservative, they would have been expelled from the university.


there is a large difference between that, and a bunch of people whining and crying because some kid got fouled on a basketball court that he is the meanest player evaar.




PS, the public university of Cincinnati, says... kick their ass seabass!

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This post represents the bitchification of America. People whine about everything now, even when it's not their business and the perpetrators were completely in the wrong.


People listen, thats the problem. For example, This story was posted to some news site, and got reposted here. hundreds more people read the story here. Now, when something happens to 1 of those hundreds of people that they dont like, they do the same thing. Its a vicious cycle.

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