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All Hail The New MODS of Jan. 2012


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Wait, Brian isn't an administrator/moderator anymore?


Also, I've always wondered - what can administrators do that moderators can't? And what's the difference between a super moderator and a moderator? Not sure if this is classified information or not, but I figured I'd ask anyway.

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Wait, Brian isn't an administrator/moderator anymore?


Also, I've always wondered - what can administrators do that moderators can't? And what's the difference between a super moderator and a moderator? Not sure if this is classified information or not, but I figured I'd ask anyway.


That stuff varies site to site.


Admin is tha bauce and can do whatever they want.

Supermods and mods are limited to what powers the Admin gives them.

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Wait, Brian isn't an administrator/moderator anymore?


Also, I've always wondered - what can administrators do that moderators can't? And what's the difference between a super moderator and a moderator? Not sure if this is classified information or not, but I figured I'd ask anyway.


BC still is, I think. He might have went full ninja on us so be afraid.


Admins can change pretty much anything on the site if they are allowed. Mods can ban, unban, and manipulate threads as needed.


It is pretty much standard on most sites. On the site I mod on they really have it locked down as far as what can be posted and about what. Very strict, but they have far less problems than other sites.


There you break the rules in anway you get removed.

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Anthony and Tina have really trust admins. We could make the home page a tribute to Hello Kitty and rename the sections after our favorite He-Man Characters.




Battle Cat




This has all kinds of potential, my friend.

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BC still is, I think. He might have went full ninja on us so be afraid.


Admins can change pretty much anything on the site if they are allowed. Mods can ban, unban, and manipulate threads as needed.


It is pretty much standard on most sites. On the site I mod on they really have it locked down as far as what can be posted and about what. Very strict, but they have far less problems than other sites.


There you break the rules in anway you get removed.


A ninja administrator hiding in plain sight. Brilliant.


Ok, so administrators are the bosses and moderators have less power. But what's the difference between a moderator and a super moderator?


Also, is there a list of who the current admins and moderators are? Just wondering.

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A ninja administrator hiding in plain sight. Brilliant.


Ok, so administrators are the bosses and moderators have less power. But what's the difference between a moderator and a super moderator?


Also, is there a list of who the current admins and moderators are? Just wondering.


I would not use the term boss, more like older brother who allows you to drink but gets pissed when you throw up in his custom van.


All you have to do is click the fourm leaders button at the bottom of any site like this. It tells you who is who and where.


Mods only have power over certain sections. Super mods can roam free and abuse their power anywhere.




If we made Johnny Bravo the mod of a section you could only change posts in that particular section. If we made Johnny Bravo a Super Mod, well he could e-rape anywhere he saw fit.


Next lesson: How to turn a troll thread into a thread full of gifs, cat pics, and fart jokes.

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Wait, Brian isn't an administrator/moderator anymore?


Also, I've always wondered - what can administrators do that moderators can't? And what's the difference between a super moderator and a moderator? Not sure if this is classified information or not, but I figured I'd ask anyway.


goes something like this kinda



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