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So my Wife is supposed to be induced Sunday...


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So I found out yetserday my wife's doc wants her to be dropped off at the hospital Saturday evening to spend the night and to be induced on Sunday morning...


This is our first child, we are both pretty nervous. Any prayers y'all wanna throw out there for her would be greatly appreciated ;)

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It's a little nerve racking the first time, I went through the same situation about 10 years ago. Just stay calm and realize that it will likely take a while. Best advice I can give is to try and not take it very serious, everything pretty much takes care of its self the first few days.
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yeah she is all about epi.


Wants me in the room too. I personally have no desire to be in there but she wants me in there holding her hand. I seriously want to vomit thinking about it. I can't even handle wtching needles going into someones skin or a scalple making an incision. I have guttend many animals big and small, but something about people being cut open or anything about that has always made me queezy.


As for sleep, or lack thereof, yeah, I know thats going to suck. I already don't get a lot of sleep because I wake up every time she gets out of bed in the middle of the night to pee, and I know this is going to be a hundred times worse.


Good times.

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Congrats man.

Both of you guys sleep as much as you can until the baby gets here.

She will be thankful for the epi ecspecially if she has a long labor. She will be able to rest through most of it.

Dude you will regret not being in the room for the birth of your child. Just dont look down there but this is going to be the most important moment in your entire life. I am pretty squemish also and it really was not that bad. It was more like a "holy shit it can do that", moment than anything.

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Congrats. Just remember if a c-section is needed do not worry. That is completely normal. Just enjoy the entire thing. (aside from the gross stuff :) )



c-sections are not normal. it's major surgery. inductions often lead to c-sections...


why does her doctor want her to be induced?


(i really don't want to start debating this stuff, since this is a car forum with a high majority of guys, but i'm a big supporter of natural labor and making sure women have all the facts and support...i didn't know a lot when i had my first...)


eta: and congrats...babies rule!

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Dude you will regret not being in the room for the birth of your child. Just dont look down there but this is going to be the most important moment in your entire life..


^^ this for sure.


With the birth of our first, the nurse who had years and years of experience, just looked at me and said "grab a leg honey....you're helping...."


You'll be fine. You'll never look at your wife the same way, but you'll be fine. It won't blow your mind until you see an entire 8lb kid shoulders and head pop out. It's the reason size does matter :gabe:

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It is progressing now, but labor can still stall and pitocin (the stuff used to start labor), has a history of causing stronger contractions


Look...I'm just passing along a little info and I'm glad she's read up on stuff. She'll be fine, but if you need any research, let me know! Enjoy the awesome baby snuggles!

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^^ this for sure.


With the birth of our first, the nurse who had years and years of experience, just looked at me and said "grab a leg honey....you're helping...."


You'll be fine. You'll never look at your wife the same way, but you'll be fine. It won't blow your mind until you see an entire 8lb kid shoulders and head pop out. It's the reason size does matter :gabe:



My husband was the ONLY person helping me push with my first kid because the doctor and nurses were just standing around discussing god knows what....my 2nd time with a midwife was so much better...daddy didn't do much except during the beginning when I wasn't pushing

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Congrats and i hope she goes into labor beforehand. It seems to go a lot quicker that way. My wife was 3 days from being induced but went into labor. We were in the delivery room for an hour and he was born after 6 minutes of pushing.
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Congrats! My wife and I made sure that each of us had at least 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day. While she rested over the first two weeks I did most of the work but after that it evened out. I also got to see my wife's guts during her c sections.. too bad they wouldn't let me takes pics.
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