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The Great SOPA Protest Thread

Rally Pat

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I'm seriously thinking of dumping time Warner cable because of this (they own CNN btw) and I refuse to shop at walmart so no biggie there. GoDaddy supported it until they lost a lot of business



Time Warner Cable(TWC) and Time Warner (TWX) are 2 different companies now. I would think TWC would be against this crap since if the passes, they would have to spend more money on censoring and controlling and regulating what their customers do and see on the internet. They would also have more pissed off customers as well.

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Here's an official government list of who is supporting SOPA, and who needs to be boycotted.




Following the links from the Craigslist blackout, I came across this:



If that's true, then companies are actually trying to use this legislation rip apart capitalism. They are trying to eliminate legitimate US business in order to help their bottom line. I'd also like to know why makeup and jeans companies are in on this.


Time Warner Cable(TWC) and Time Warner (TWX) are 2 different companies now. I would think TWC would be against this crap since if the passes, they would have to spend more money on censoring and controlling and regulating what their customers do and see on the internet. They would also have more pissed off customers as well.


I did not know that.

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I'd also like to know why makeup and jeans companies are in on this. I did not know that.


To stop counterfeits they say, but honestly, most retailers dump their old lines to gray market at deep discounts and they profit. In return however, they want to squash those of us in the US from buying them.


Such a great solution eh? Why not force these retailers to shore-up their operations a bit more.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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I love everything about this... I can't wait to see this happen. It's like war against the internet and real life, something you'd see in a movie.


I'll be looting everything I can from Sony, Monday...

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Through Wikipedia, I sent an email to Rep. Stivers. Both sites for Portman and Sherrod Brown weren't loading for me. This took me all of 3 minutes to type, but in the true spitit of Intarwebs info-sharing (and to get more of you to get your rep's involved!) please feel free to copy/paste/modify below...


Good morning, Steve!


I have met and worked with you on various Upper Arlington and Central Ohio events over the last several years, and I hope you're doing well. I was trying to go about my day, ignoring the "blackout" that many sites are staging in protest to SOPA and PIPA. However, after searching for information related to a company I clicked on a Wikipedia link and was shut down. I realized now that I need to make my voice heard.


Please do what you can to keep the Internet censorship-free. Personally, I understand lost revenue through stolen IP and pirated materials, but these regulations go too far; leave issues up to the individuals and corporations to fight. We have a legal system that should be more than adequate to defend U.S. citizens and corporations from harm. We have greater issues to worry about in keeping the U.S. economy viable in the future.


Thank you for letting me speak my opinion. Have a great day!


EDIT: I meant to say that you can copy/paste elements of my above message in your own words if you'd like.

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BTW, you can still surf Wikipedia with Java turned off, or by pressing escape as the page is loading.


You can also use the mobile site from any browser - http://en.m.wikipedia.org/


If you end up getting redirected to the regular format version, just edit the URL for whatever article you are at to include the ".m." part.

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For a year we've watched the two parties play hardball with one another over the budget and spending crises facing the U.S. Instead of laying out a budget, stating the issues and compromising to come up with a working framework for the future, every few months we near a government shutdown with the bare minimum progress being accomplished. Each party has their goals and refuses to budge on them.


Yet in a matter of months legislators from both sides of the aisle have come together and held hands in solidarity. To promote peace? To solve the fiscal crisis? To help the needy, reform the broken system of government, or to have serious discussions on world security? No. In this time of political posturing, the only thing these fucking morons come together for is to promote censorship, litigation, and corporate interests.


We are fucked. Our legislators are fucked, and we citizens are fucked because we haven't stood up to them to say "FUCK YOUR AGENDA. Fuck your campaign contributors, fuck your special interests, fuck who YOU say creates jobs. Start working for us or start walking."

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