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Why is Ron Paul THE man?


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Fuck I'm missing the debate! Is this the CNN debate?


And reason is because he is too far right to get votes from those that are fence sitters. They want someone that can appeal to the masses and not just one side. It's too bad politics has gotten so bad, I mean what is it 70-80% or do disapproval rating on congress. And these are the people that run our country.


I'm not expecting Paul to do too well in SC because he hasn't been campaigning there.

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He doesn't "do well" because he isn't really a Republican. He is a libertarian running as a Republican.

So die hard republicans don't like him.


The whole system is flawed beyond repair.

From open primaries that allow the other party to vote for the weaker "opponent" to the fact that we still utilize an electoral college.

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We need a revolution...throwing rocks and bottles at tanks...


Seriously...when I watch these candidates, Ron Paul is the only one that makes any sense to me...the rest of them are out of touch douchebags. Romney is part of the 1%, Gingrich can keep a marriage together, not even two, so how in the world is he supposed to be expected to keep a country together, and Santorum, I just don't like the guy, ha ha. Are Ron Paul's views out of the norm, sure, that's exactly why I like him and why I would be willing to take a chance on him as president.

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I like Ron Paul's views of rights and small government, but he's a bit "out there" when it comes to international policy, economics and all that.


That is precisely why I like him. Down with the irs, down with fractional reserve banking, down with playing world police, LONG LIVE RON PAUL! Ha ha.

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I like Ron Paul's views of rights and small government, but he's a bit "out there" when it comes to international policy, economics and all that.


I really like Ron Paul and his domestic views. My only concern is his foreign policy is a bit too out there. Not saying I disagree with him completely, but in the end we can't make a 180 turn on things.


He's a smart guy sticking to his views, but he needs to learn to work the system and sell himself better. If he could sell, he'd get the nomination. However he is not paying attention to the audience that is truely going to put him in the white house. He has the populous, but now he needs to work the parties.


I'd like to see Romney's tax records....and Ron Paul elected


See I really don't care. What are his tax records going to show that we don't likely already know? He's a business man who worked the capitalistic system. It pisses me off when Gingrich attacks him for that when he's the one who is the slippery bastard / fat fuck old school same old shit for nothing guy. I hope he gets whacked if he is nominated.

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Ron Paul will not get elected because his ideas will negatively impact too many wallets.


And we have our winner...


The GOP fucking sucks at finding someone to elect. They gave us a turd and twat 4 years ago, and it looks like they will give us a greased turd this year.

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we just need to get out and vote for him in the primaries,


no way i can vote for Romney, him and obama are pretty much twins.

if paul doesnt make it in the primaries i am most likely just writing it in, enough of voting for the lesser of two evils, cause there wont be a difference.

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I hope he gets elected. Yes his international views are what I would consider "Dangerous," but people have a history of changing their policies on these things when they get into the white house. Once they let them see the Ark of the Covenant anyways.
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For those of you who talk about his foreign policy being "out there", a little food for though. Quotes from Ron Paul about this view on his foreign policy:


Paul's response to numerous critics : “They use those terms because they can’t defend themselves intellectually.”


“If they say my foreign policy is kooky, maybe they ought to look at what is happening.” Paul added. “…invading a country like Iraq, who never did a thing to us, killing a lot of people and turning it over to the shiites who are allies with the Iranians, I call that kooky.”


“I call it kooky allowing our president now to go into numerous countries, even today he went into another African country without permission of the Congress. Fighting undeclared wars, that is kooky, and that is why the American people are sick and tired of what we have.”


“Spending more money overseas is conservative? Where did that come from?” Paul stated. “Too many conservatives say ‘that’s our position, spend more overseas’. That doesn’t make any sense to me.”

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I do not believe in full anarcho-capitalism, therefore I will not vote for Paul.


I am also not a fan of his foreign policy (aka none) nor his domestic policies of allowing discrimination based on things people have no control over.

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I do not believe in full anarcho-capitalism, therefore I will not vote for Paul.


I am also not a fan of his foreign policy (aka none) nor his domestic policies of allowing discrimination based on things people have no control over.


Nowhere does he state anything close to "anarcho-capitalism"...


Any youre a fan of our current foreign policy? Sending billions of dollars overseas while Americans are losing their homes?


Allowing discrimination? Like having unconstitutional legislation requiring businesses/governments to employ a certain % of minorities? Is that not discrimination? This is why our forefathers fought and died for the constitution - so that everyone has the same rights and is treated EQUALLY - and yes that means minorities get to be treated as shitty as white people.

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Nowhere does he state anything close to "anarcho-capitalism"...


Any youre a fan of our current foreign policy? Sending billions of dollars overseas while Americans are losing their homes?


Allowing discrimination? Like having unconstitutional legislation requiring businesses/governments to employ a certain % of minorities? Is that not discrimination? This is why our forefathers fought and died for the constitution - so that everyone has the same rights and is treated EQUALLY - and yes that means minorities get to be treated as shitty as white people.


Well done! Ron Paul 2012.



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Any youre a fan of our current foreign policy? Sending billions of dollars overseas while Americans are losing their homes?


I agree with most of what Ron Paul says, but with some things not so much. Certain enemies need to be dealt with, and will never go away otherwise. You can fight them there, or you can fight them here. Ditto all over the globe.


BRB, +up SOF instead.

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I agree with most of what Ron Paul says, but with some things not so much. Certain enemies need to be dealt with, and will never go away otherwise. You can fight them there, or you can fight them here. Ditto all over the globe.


BRB, +up SOF instead.


Didn't Reagan propose a "Star Wars" program IIRC? Setup a laser defense/anti-nuclear defense over the united states and let the rest of the world deal with their problems themselves?- Whatever happened to that?

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Nowhere does he state anything close to "anarcho-capitalism"...


Any youre a fan of our current foreign policy? Sending billions of dollars overseas while Americans are losing their homes?


Allowing discrimination? Like having unconstitutional legislation requiring businesses/governments to employ a certain % of minorities? Is that not discrimination? This is why our forefathers fought and died for the constitution - so that everyone has the same rights and is treated EQUALLY - and yes that means minorities get to be treated as shitty as white people.


You're assuming that minorities are treated better, currently? By who or what?


Moving on from that, I've always liked Ron Paul. Like others have said though, he wont' be voted in.

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