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what in the fuk


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Ummmm. No.


People with fast cars are what makes CR go 'round, so why are you still here? :D


Hey now, that's not cool. I don't have a "fast" car...yet. lol


On another note I want a race with the gn before I pull the 6 out.


On topic though, I think this site will be a much better place without all the trash. Sure its fun to haze the idiots that truly deserve it, but due to the crap that has gone on recently, I hear/ read so much shit being talked about this site and people that could have been great contributers to this site refuse to come back.


Not to mention that now maybe I can get on here and see a thread about a certain topic that may have some useful info in it, just to find out the first 2 or 3 posts are on topic, then got knocked so far off there is no bringing it back.

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It matured.....CR was almost at a point that it was pointless to log in because the content was so fucking useless. It was nothing other than people just talking to hear themselves talk. It was stupid, so the people in charge put the hammer down because that is not what THEY wanted on THEIR board.


Seriously, I don't understand why it's so hard to understand. If you really didn't like it you COULD always make your own board the way you want it.


kids these days dont look past what they want...


I agree with above and i did chuckle at make own board.

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for a double post..


I have been trolled by this guy for the last 6 months and even I didnt go to the mods about him.. he gets one infraction and runs crying??? all I can do is shake my head


(wait for it.. wait for it. he's gonna post a pic of himself on a car forum proving he is good looking, oh and not fat, insecure much DOT DOT DOT)



and that was not a CR event it was a Joe was home from the sand box and was spending time with his friends. where you at winking the night before?

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They rules are in place for a reason. A new guy tries to join and he admittedly isnt all that computer literate. We can try to help him out in hopes he turns out to be a good addition to cr and support our events or we treat him like hell until he never wants to return. This isnt all that difficult.


to be fair 93.6 percent that are alreay on here arent this.....

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Too late bruh, too late.


I know I'll see you out and about this spring when it's nice out. :megusta: :megusta:




Fuck spring and fuck you. Where is the snow at? Mad tyde jdm drifts around 270 you vs my fiero for style points :gabe: :lolguy:

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for a double post..


I have been trolled by this guy for the last 6 months and even I didnt go to the mods about him.. he gets one infraction and runs crying??? all I can do is shake my head


(wait for it.. wait for it. he's gonna post a pic of himself on a car forum proving he is good looking, oh and not fat, insecure much DOT DOT DOT)



and that was not a CR event it was a Joe was home from the sand box and was spending time with his friends. where you at winking the night before?



forgive me, i did not see your yeti ass on the ski hill

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kids these days dont look past what they want...


I agree with above and i did chuckle at make own board.


for a double post..


I have been trolled by this guy for the last 6 months and even I didnt go to the mods about him.. he gets one infraction and runs crying??? all I can do is shake my head


(wait for it.. wait for it. he's gonna post a pic of himself on a car forum proving he is good looking, oh and not fat, insecure much DOT DOT DOT)



and that was not a CR event it was a Joe was home from the sand box and was spending time with his friends. where you at winking the night before?



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  • 4 weeks later...
:confused: lol I bolded the funny part. I'm not sure where to start... I will say I think you missed the period where that's exactly what CR wasn't, then became, then tried to stop being (currently). I think you're still on the "then became" part. ;)


Joking aside, give the ol dude a break. It's not like he chose to just ignore how CR likes intros posted, he's just not computer literate. That doesn't mean he won't have something valuable to contribute to community.


Jason said it well enough, above.


I know many of you are of that age, but this is a college fraternity or high school 'click' and there's no reason to haze people who want to be part of an ADULT community. /noporno


Sorry, I just read your post. I must not have responded becase you are a shitbird.

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You have received a warning at Columbus Racing.




Post Whoring


There are rules in the oven. Please follow them. or not post there thanks.


Welcome posts aren't chat rooms


Don't go offtopic in someone's welcome thread - this isn't an AOL chatroom. Keep discussion on point and civil. Noobs that break this rule are likely to get negative rep, making it harder to get on the board. Regular members that break this will get infractions. Remember - enough infractions in a set time frame will auto ban you, so try not to be a repeat offender.



Original Post:




have u met paul white?


Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.


All the best,

Columbus Racing








Shit is retarded. Dude says he is from wheeling which is like .02 miles from Paul. I ask if he knows Paul and I get infracted. I think the CR staff is on crack cocaine.


I got an infraction for post whoring...

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