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Political questions...

V8 Beast

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How many years does it take to get a degree in nonsense?


Do you have to blow someone to get into politics? Does it have to be a good blow job? What about handseys?


Why are politicians so full of crap?


Why are news stations less accurate than the internet?


How much would I have to pay a news station to make them change their views in the middle of a broadcast?


Why dont all these rich people in and around politics just cut a check and get rid of the debt? Are they not allowed to? 30 billionaires could put a nice dent in the debt if it was really important to them.


Why is a person like Ron Paul frowned upon as a president because hes different? I thought doing the same thing repeatedly expecting different results meant you were crazy. Is America full of crazy people?


Why am I asking questions I know the answer to?

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In order to be marketable across the board, you basically end up being bland/vanilla that is safe across the board. If for example you are for strict immigration, then you get labled racist against the latino population. It's all self-serving bs.


The billionaires don't pay into the debt because it doesn't make them money doing so. Yes they could collectively make a dent, but why should they pay off mine or yours financial woes when they could put up a new housing development to make money off of.


I'm on the soap box below:

A big problem that I see is that state/federal programs are used as means to buy votes from a target audience. At some point, the government has to get smaller, people have to stop living off the system, and people have to make sacrifices to move forward.

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How many years does it take to get a degree in nonsense? Easy, blargteen.


Do you have to blow someone to get into politics? Does it have to be a good blow job? What about handseys? You get pagework with handseys. For embed work you need inbed work.


Why are politicians so full of crap? Why are chickens so full of cock?


Why are news stations less accurate than the internet? Because the internet has the impossibility of wronging clause in effect at all times.


How much would I have to pay a news station to make them change their views in the middle of a broadcast? Average Fox News pundit salary by MSNBCs pundit salary.

Why dont all these rich people in and around politics just cut a check and get rid of the debt? Are they not allowed to? 30 billionaires could put a nice dent in the debt if it was really important to them. It wouldn't be important to me either if I could afford to live in a house made of naked underwear models. Female, naked underwear models, even.


Why is a person like Ron Paul frowned upon as a president because hes different? I thought doing the same thing repeatedly expecting different results meant you were crazy. Is America full of crazy people? Because he threatens both sides with the most basic accountability.


Why am I asking questions I know the answer to? The same reason college professors ask questions they know the answers to, to make us all think, and realize that they are better than us.



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Politics turned into a rich man's game. It's about who you know, who you blow, and how much of your moral compass you're willing to sacrifice. False promises and catchy slogans attract the frail American mind. "Hope" and "Change" sure worked for Obama, but never became a reality. Politicians are now serving themselves so they can keep their positions. Worrying about their public opinion and their campaigns, keep them from the job at hand. The other fact that our Government has grown too large is another issue.


Case an point, America will have to be on the brink of collapse before any action is taken.

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imho, they need to get some regular joes into comgress and such political positions that actually know how to balance a check book... I never understood why people in congress need a 30,000 dollar drink budget per year, why they have to fly first class wherever they go, why the government provides them with luxury cars when they clearly could provide theyre own. I understand that in an important position like that that there will be perks, however why so excessive when the government can't pay our debt to other countries ie: china. guess its the american way and probably the reason the stock market crashed, spend that money that you don't have.
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Why dont all these rich people in and around politics just cut a check and get rid of the debt? Are they not allowed to? 30 billionaires could put a nice dent in the debt if it was really important to them.



Because they have their fists up the assses of the people in DC making sure they keep their billions.


Now how about this idea to twist your noodle:


Billionaires chip in to pay off debt, they are given a break for X number of years and don't have to pay taxes.


Now, under the GOP line of "don't punish the rich" this will solve 2 problems:


1. Debt will be paid off.

2. The rich who "create jobs" will now have the ability to "create" more jobs since they have no taxes to pay and can invest more in business.


Cliffs: ALL things political are rigged or messed with by outsiders. This has been the case since the very idea of a political and voting system was thought up by the dirty greeks.

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