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Said it before, say it again. Our instructor stated noone should no you have it and if they do, at that point you wont care if you get in trouble for it.


Truth, there have even been a couple of recent cases where a carrier was in a posted area with their weapon and had to use it. No charges stuck in the cases so far though they are within the last couple of weeks/months so who knows.

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Truth, there have even been a couple of recent cases where a carrier was in a posted area with their weapon and had to use it. No charges stuck in the cases so far though they are within the last couple of weeks/months so who knows.

xakery, i'll take my chances

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I haven't been to Easton since 2001, and see no reason to return. I got jumped in the hallway between the theatre and the east garage by two drunks coming out of the Funny Bone. Easton security watched it happen on their camera and did not intervene until I'd dealt with them, then wanted to hassle me because I'd reversed one guys knee after he was "down". They tried to prevent me from calling the police, tried to prevent the police from talking to me, and flat out refused to allow the police to view the tapes. Both guys got arrested for disorderly, but no witnesses and no tapes meant they skated on the assault charges. Since the one got a broken nose and the other will never walk right again, I call THAT part square...but fuck Easton.
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I haven't been to Easton since 2001, and see no reason to return. I got jumped in the hallway between the theatre and the east garage by two drunks coming out of the Funny Bone. Easton security watched it happen on their camera and did not intervene until I'd dealt with them, then wanted to hassle me because I'd reversed one guys knee after he was "down". They tried to prevent me from calling the police, tried to prevent the police from talking to me, and flat out refused to allow the police to view the tapes. Both guys got arrested for disorderly, but no witnesses and no tapes meant they skated on the assault charges. Since the one got a broken nose and the other will never walk right again, I call THAT part square...but fuck Easton.


wow thats pretty crazy. why wouldnt easton security let the police view the tapes? bad publicity? no court order?


I never go to easton, when in was in high school i was there and happen to have a camera on me. Security stopped me and told me i wasnt allowed to carry it b/c of 'architectual reasons' .... as in i couldnt film any of the architecture at easton for some reason?! Really.... its a fucking mall. I didnt understand it but they were persistant, oh well. Ive heard there have been some all out brawls there with gang violence involved, real classy.

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Yeah no cameras at easton either, I've known several photographers that got run out of the mall over the years.

I go there for funny bone and the mexican place but still only maybe once per year.


Meh....with cell phones now a days so good, use one. There's nothing in a mall worth carrying a real camera for anyway.


I only go to Easton during the day and I always have my gun with me when I do. Night time there is like feeding time for punks. No thanks. I have no tolerance for being around those that hang there late and vote with my wallet by leaving early.

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wow thats pretty crazy. why wouldnt easton security let the police view the tapes? bad publicity? no court order?


Honestly, I'd have to guess that it was because the tapes would have shown one of their "valued guests" being pushed around and threatened for several minutes mere feet away from where their "security" was sitting and watching the feed at, while the camera viewpoint changed.... They didn't even leave their little hidey-hole down that hallway that Funny Bone was in until I'd already solved their problem for them.

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