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Knee specialist in Columbus

Trouble Maker

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Yes, I was lucky mine was in a reparable area, but Fuuuu this recovery!




Skiing is about the worst thing you can do for knee health as it is. You have your leg strapped to a long stick (independently of the other leg) going down a hill at high speed Literally one wrong move and you will blow your shit out. I have been on the slops when I guy came down wrong and his foot was pointing towards his ass. I am sure he blew out about every ligament of value in his knee.


I for one, will never ski again-snow board maybe, but not ski.


Yup, giant knee destroying levers, Ski's

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I ski a lot and fear this. Makes me wanna jack my bindings way down. But agressive skiing is the only skiing imo.


I also ran w a kid in college, had a meniscus tear one year during track or xc, doctor removed almost all of it, and he was still able to bang out 50 miles/week. Probably will have bad arthritis later on, but might as well beat it up while ya got it.

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I ski a lot and fear this. Makes me wanna jack my bindings way down. But agressive skiing is the only skiing imo.


I also ran w a kid in college, had a meniscus tear one year during track or xc, doctor removed almost all of it, and he was still able to bang out 50 miles/week. Probably will have bad arthritis later on, but might as well beat it up while ya got it.



Thats my thing. Your not young forever. I'd rather take it down a notch now,have a bit of a longer recovery, so I don't look like a bow legge'd freak when Im 55 needed a double knee replacement to function.

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You know the demographic of CR is aging when this many guys come out of the wood work with knee issues. Add me to the list. I tore my mcl and medial meniscus playing full court BB on that really thin carpet junk. Turns out your feet dont slide on that crap and your knees pay the price.


Kaeding at OSU did my knee, top notch surgeon IMO. I highly recommend. I had surgery at the end of December. I've been doing rehab with OSU sports medicine in Dublin. At this point you cannot tell I ever had knee surgery. I'm walking without a gangster limp finally and not pissing and moaning about the tightness. I go to rehab two days a week. This past week was a lot of lunge walking, i haven't been this sore since high school conditioning. Be ready to do some work. You'd be surprised how quickly you lose your quadricep strength. Crutches are gayer than aids but I'd encourage you to use them as much as possible if you want to avoid making your opposite hip sore as hell. I got off of mine too early and I had a hell of a hip pointer for a few weeks. Other than that get ready for some pain and frustration. I wish you luck and a speedy recovery.

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Went and saw Steensen on Monday and liked his approach better. He said he would prefer to do my own hamstring with something this 'simple'. Simple being I only tore my ACL, there aren't multiple issues. From talking to a ton of different people the upsides outweigh the downsides compared to using a cadaver.


I got a reference (from a friend of a friend) for Cory at Banyan Tree Rehab over near Tuttle. Saw him yesterday morning and I am planning to go with him for my pre/post op rehab.


He said my strength test all looked very good. Though I know I have some atrophy in my quad. He just wants to see my functional strength, walking and squatting, to get better. I'm still guarding, partially out of lost flexibility and strength and partially from learned habits from guarding. I can almost fully lock my leg out and have 125deg of motion in it (good leg is at 140). I have 5 different exercises to do every day on my own that focus on knee flexibility (mostly locking out), and quad strength. He expects me to be doing very well before my surgery since it will be a month and a half until then. As a bonus he says he expects that I will be doing very well by Hawaii and I should be able to do most of what I want to do while I'm there. :fuckyeah:

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Went and saw Steensen on Monday and liked his approach better. He said he would prefer to do my own hamstring with something this 'simple'. Simple being I only tore my ACL, there aren't multiple issues. From talking to a ton of different people the upsides outweigh the downsides compared to using a cadaver.


I got a reference (from a friend of a friend) for Cory at Banyan Tree Rehab over near Tuttle. Saw him yesterday morning and I am planning to go with him for my pre/post op rehab.


He said my strength test all looked very good. Though I know I have some atrophy in my quad. He just wants to see my functional strength, walking and squatting, to get better. I'm still guarding, partially out of lost flexibility and strength and partially from learned habits from guarding. I can almost fully lock my leg out and have 125deg of motion in it (good leg is at 140). I have 5 different exercises to do every day on my own that focus on knee flexibility (mostly locking out), and quad strength. He expects me to be doing very well before my surgery since it will be a month and a half until then. As a bonus he says he expects that I will be doing very well by Hawaii and I should be able to do most of what I want to do while I'm there. :fuckyeah:


Wait till after the surgery to see how your Quad atrophy ;)


60 days after surgery and I am working hard on rehab and it just now is starting to look like a quad again :)

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Oh, I have a rough idea. I'm just saying that even though my day-day strength is fine and I never stopped walking, I can already visually see it's smaller. I can only imagine what after will look/feel like. :fa:


I was also pretty disappointed about the prospects of this hindering our Hawaii trip. However many months of rehab and off of the bike and running are really not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. However, we will likely never go to Hawaii again so this is a once in a life time type of thing. I'm pretty happy that things are looking better for the trip than I had initially thought.

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Went and saw Steensen on Monday and liked his approach better. He said he would prefer to do my own hamstring with something this 'simple'. Simple being I only tore my ACL, there aren't multiple issues. From talking to a ton of different people the upsides outweigh the downsides compared to using a cadaver.


I got a reference (from a friend of a friend) for Cory at Banyan Tree Rehab over near Tuttle. Saw him yesterday morning and I am planning to go with him for my pre/post op rehab.


He said my strength test all looked very good. Though I know I have some atrophy in my quad. He just wants to see my functional strength, walking and squatting, to get better. I'm still guarding, partially out of lost flexibility and strength and partially from learned habits from guarding. I can almost fully lock my leg out and have 125deg of motion in it (good leg is at 140). I have 5 different exercises to do every day on my own that focus on knee flexibility (mostly locking out), and quad strength. He expects me to be doing very well before my surgery since it will be a month and a half until then. As a bonus he says he expects that I will be doing very well by Hawaii and I should be able to do most of what I want to do while I'm there. :fuckyeah:


Funny thing about mine-although I wrecked the ACL and Meniscus-I could do everything but run comfortably. It felt unstable when trying to play ball, but I could still squat 225 for 8 without too much trouble.


Now, walking up stairs like a human is an accomplishment. :mad:

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Now, walking up stairs like a human is an accomplishment. :mad:


Yup, we live in a townhouse, not looking forward to it. Parents have a pretty big ranch. One side of the house is the master bed & bath. Middle is living/dining/kitchen. Other side is 2 spare rooms and a bathroom. Bedroom & bathroom on the same floor=we might stay out there for (at least) a few days after the surgery.


Or we do have a half bath on the first floor. Sleep on the couch, still be able to get to the bathroom to do my business. Then have Carri give me sponge baths. :megusta:

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Just thought of a funny story from this whole ordeal.


I can fall asleep pretty much anywhere pretty quickly. I went to the first doc expecting him to say I sprained my knee. He tells me I tore my ACL and I go straight to sitting in an MRI for half an hour. I tell my partner I had all kinds of thoughts running through my head and I got pretty emotional a few times. Especially about the trip and not wanting to disappoint her if we can't do everything we had wanted. She said "Aww, did you cry", me "No, I went to sleep". Now that's the difference between men and women!

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Could they repair the meniscus or did they remove it?

Removed about 15% of it. He said the tear was 'much more complex than he originally thought' so he shaved it back to smooth it down.


My buddy tried to talk me into Prolo Therapy for repair. It consists of a ton of micro injections of an 'irritant' around the area that will cause the body to repair itself naturally. He had done it a few times and swore it was successful but it ultimately came down to the fact that I paid a ton of money for insurance so i wanted it fixed quick.


.... me "No, I went to sleep". Now that's the difference between men and women!


Ha, I crashed in my MRI too. The chick kinda got shitty with me because she was trying to talk to me through some crappy headphones, that were as audible as a coffee can with a string, and I wasn't responding.


Its funny you mentioned guarding. My mcl is being a pain in the dick getting that final 5% of extension. I can straighten all the way out but when i completely extend while walking or jogging it gets pretty uncomfortable and almost feels like I'm over extending bc of the guarding. I did some mock golf swings the other day and it was really uncomfortable to get my knee to flex in towards my other calf. I'm gonna be pissed if this hasnt worked itself out by the middle of march when I'll be hitting the tee.

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My buddy tried to talk me into Prolo Therapy for repair. It consists of a ton of micro injections of an 'irritant' around the area that will cause the body to repair itself naturally. He had done it a few times and swore it was successful but it ultimately came down to the fact that I paid a ton of money for insurance so i wanted it fixed quick.


you made the right choice. prolotherapy will never work for a meniscus tear--it simply won't.. the outer rim of the meniscus has no blood flow to it--there's no way it will heal when torn.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, my surgery is tomorrow.


Pre surgery PT has gone great. To the point that I was able to do 3.5 hikes in Hawaii with a ton of other walking around town. Longest hike was 5 mi with ~700ft of elevation. A few times I was hopping around on big rocks, or doing some scrambling. I'm really happy with where things are going into the surgery. I would guess we walked/hiked 20+ miles the 12 days we were there.


It's amazing, even at this point I can still physically see the difference in the size of my quads. I'm guessing that won't come all of the way back until I can get back to some serious exercise (biking and running).


I do have a goal now though. I'm going to join somewhere with a pool and get into as soon as I can. Then when I can get back on the bike I will be back on the bike, then running when it comes. All with the goal of a sprint-tri in late summer, or fall, whenever I can reasonable get to that point. I've never really had the swimming endurance to do one. This will be the perfect time to get to that point since it will be the first thing I can do and the lowest impact on my knee.


Here goes nothing!

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Well, my surgery is tomorrow.


Pre surgery PT has gone great. To the point that I was able to do 3.5 hikes in Hawaii with a ton of other walking around town. Longest hike was 5 mi with ~700ft of elevation. A few times I was hopping around on big rocks, or doing some scrambling. I'm really happy with where things are going into the surgery. I would guess we walked/hiked 20+ miles the 12 days we were there.


It's amazing, even at this point I can still physically see the difference in the size of my quads. I'm guessing that won't come all of the way back until I can get back to some serious exercise (biking and running).


I do have a goal now though. I'm going to join somewhere with a pool and get into as soon as I can. Then when I can get back on the bike I will be back on the bike, then running when it comes. All with the goal of a sprint-tri in late summer, or fall, whenever I can reasonable get to that point. I've never really had the swimming endurance to do one. This will be the perfect time to get to that point since it will be the first thing I can do and the lowest impact on my knee.


Here goes nothing!


Good luck, I am at almost 4 months post surgery, have been on my walk/jog program for 3 weeks, can pedal for 20-25 miles, and have been gaining strength rapidly now finally.


I will say I have a long ways to go yet though. I am about 60-65 % strength and I am working hard. Just takes time, hopefully at the 6 month mark I can be about 90-100% quad/hamstring normal strength, then build back up from there on both legs and start more plyometric training!


Have fun on pain killers ;)

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Have fun on pain killers ;)


I'm hopping to post some funny shit around the internet, then I can go back and read it later so I can understand just how fun it was.


... plyometric training!


I had to look that up, 'produce fast, powerful movements', 'Plyometric exercises may also be referred to as explosive exercises'


You're not doing some cross-fit shit are you? :no:

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I'm hopping to post some funny shit around the internet, then I can go back and read it later so I can understand just how fun it was.


My favorite is the ride home from surgery. I always call my family to let them know how things went and never remember what I say.....6 knee surgeries and a couple of other random surgeries and I have never remembered any of it. Percocet works well. Just have them next to where you are sleeping for when you wake up the first time when your meds wear off. Not fun.

PS.....only 43 minutes of food and drink left ;)

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PS.....only 43 minutes of food and drink left ;)




Purposefully stayed up, going to eat my last meal now.





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