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Knee specialist in Columbus

Trouble Maker

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bet its makin ur dick look huge.



welcome back from the bs vacation.


on another note, I came really close to having to see a specialist for me left knee. I got a really bad case of jumpers knee and it kept getting worse. Spread out through the day, a mix of 4 aspin, 4 motrin, joint supplements, beer, stretching, and rest for two weeks finally got it back to normal.


With me being 34 I know that having any surgery will end any chance of playing tournaments so I may as well push it till it pops. Luckily things turned around so I can get back to training.

Edited by 10phone2
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My favorite is the ride home from surgery. I always call my family to let them know how things went and never remember what I say.....6 knee surgeries and a couple of other random surgeries and I have never remembered any of it. Percocet works well. Just have them next to where you are sleeping for when you wake up the first time when your meds wear off. Not fun.

PS.....only 43 minutes of food and drink left ;)


Da fuck- what 6 surgeries??

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Along with my broken ankle and destroyed wrist I tore my ACL, Meniscus, and MCL in my bike accident in 07. After a patellar graph for ACL I am fine. As Kirk said it suck to be on that knee kneeling, other than that I play basketball and other sports even skiing with a metal brace like Football players wear. If you ski make sure to ask for the brace that will allow you to ski later. (fits high on your calf above where the skii boot ends) Also Vanstyein did my surgery at the same place you are going Jesse. Rehab sucks riding the bike the first time hurts really bad. After the first few sessions it no big deal anymore. I had to wait almost 2 months before surgery because of my road rash and broken right ankle. almost 5 years later I am pretty much normal.
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Ask for liquid dilaudid. Oh my god that shit is what I figure taking meth feels like.


I've had a friend who has had a few ear surgeries over the last few years. I can't remember what he called it, but he said they will inject something extra into the IV on my way to the surgery that immediately makes it feel like you've had a 6 pack of (good) beer. :masturboy:

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Well, I'm back home... or at least at my parents for a few days.


The surgery, from what I've been told, went very well. Just the ACL and that repair went well, NO meniscus tears at all.


The surgery was at 3, lasted about an hour, first thing I remember was around 5 in the recovery room. I went to a regular room shortly after that.


I had a hard time keeping anything down, pills or food, so I stayed over night and they gave me liquid dilauted. Finally felt ok and could keep down pills this morning, I guess they weren't going to let me go home until I could do this. Finally got out of the hospital around 11AM.


Pretty sore, not moving around too much, but still not too bad considering. I can already bear some weight on it, but obviously still using crutches and have my brace on whenever I'm walking around. Despite that I'm walking around as little as possible. I can do a little bit of the exercises the PT gave me, already working on getting the quad firing and it's doing ok. I can't really do any of the leg lift exercises yet, but that's to be expected.


I need to change out my dressings in a few hours for the first time. That will be interesting to see!

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I was cleared by my PT to ride for the first time since my ACL tear & surgery. Just 2 months out from my surgery. First ride under my belt for the year at 10 paved miles. So hard not to take the little silvers of dirt that cut off into the woods beside the paved trail. Just in case no one was aware, It's fucking hot out this afternoon.
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