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Another Troll Thread


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I lol when you puff your chest out in most of your posts and talk down to us that you dont like and call us little children. If you weren't an admin you'd just be tossed aside like a child in these threads. Just Sayin.


I like you in person but on cr dat dere "admin chestpuff look down on everybody from up on admin mountain" vibe we get from you is pretty silly.


It sucks having to be the adult and enforce rules. Why don't you call out the other admins for the "chestpuff"?


In the end Anthony could bust me down to be just another member on here and I would not change my tune. Did you know I had no Admin powers for a while because I did something nice for someone I was not supposed to?


I can hold my own in "threads like these"

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I lol when you puff your chest out in most of your posts and talk down to us that you dont like and call us little children. If you weren't an admin you'd just be tossed aside like a child in these threads. Just Sayin.


I like you in person. Been to your house. all hung out at mitchs, good times. but on cr dat dere "admin chestpuff look down on everybody from up on admin mountain" vibe we get from you is pretty silly.


And yes we have our internet quirks just like i'm an online troll yada yada. :)


Makes the day go by faster and more interesting. I'm just trying to give ppl lulz in their day thats all.


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This thread has taught me 2 things:


*I'll never un-ban another troll again.

*Trolls have someone found a way to dis-associated themselves from the rest of the human race, let alone "friends" of CR.


Fucking sad..


I am amazed they are allowed to stay members, honestly.

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Dealing with anger issues myself I'm biased on the situation. Resorting to violence and aggression uncontrollably isn't fun. It took a lot of soul searching and practice to train my brain to override my emotions. Scott just keep walking forward and don't project your past into your future. Each day will bring new challenges that will be even harder to manage if you expect the worse. On the troll side, let them have their fun. Everyone here has their roles. Seperate real life from the internet as online personas as are a bunch of inflated egos and comics. In real life most would wish you well and have general concern. It would be nice if we had a filter that helped people recognize when they need to toss the internet bullshit and be a real person... but we don't. Keep your head up and if you ever need a voice of reason or to talk to someone call or come on over, you have my address.
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So funny to see you admins switch from your trolling ways, and now that someones dirt comes out, you start feeling bad. It aint fun but shit happens. Move on.


Shut the fuck up you bottom feeding worthless piece of forgettable shit. You know like when you take a dump that doesn't hurt, requires minimal wiping, and doesn't really stink... yeah forgettable shit... that's you.


Nothing personal. Moving on

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Shut the fuck up you bottom feeding worthless piece of forgettable shit. You know like when you take a dump that doesn't hurt, requires minimal wiping, and doesn't really stink... yeah forgettable shit... that's you.


Nothing personal. Moving on



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I am not bailing you out on this one Miller. Scott is a damn good guy that will help a friend out in a heartbeat.


It is pretty sad that people post shit like this to stir the pot because the think its funny. Karma is a bitch...



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damn, some things are 'out of bounds', imo. this thread is one of them. on a national forum, its one thing. this is a smaller, tighter-knit community where some people vent personal information and issues that shouldn't be made light of. especially when there's a very real chance you might actually come face-to-face with someone that you make these comments too.
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damn, some things are 'out of bounds', imo. this thread is one of them. on a national forum, its one thing. this is a smaller, tighter-knit community where some people vent personal information and issues that shouldn't be made light of. especially when there's a very real chance you might actually come face-to-face with someone that you make these comments too.


And there we have it kids, game, set, lock.

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