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Should women get birth control free?


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or covered by their insurance anyway?


With some of this stuff thats been a hot button recently I'd like to hear what good ol' CR has to say. I personally feel that since sex is a choice and condoms are cheap or sometimes free that birth control should not be covered. I think its hilarious hearing some of these sound bites of the Georgetown Law Student making it out to be bankrupting her and her classmates, and Rush Limbaugh calling all women who want birth control sluts and prositutes.


This just cracks me up


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let people do whatever they want to their bodies and keep the government out of it.


agreed, but they are passing legislation to make illegal to not cover birth control, why should I pay for it?


I laughed my ass off at Rush saying "If we are going to pay for their birth control we should get something for it. They need to post videos on the internet of them having sex" I swear to god this was on the air today.

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The beginning.



But in all seriousness i think its a great idea. The more options we offer to people the more likely they are to take them. Too many welfare babies these days.

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The way i see it, my tax dollars are going to be collected, and spent regardless. So if its going to towards a couple hundred bucks a year for birth control, or thousands of dollars a year to have some kid be on welfare because mom cant take care of it, ill go with the pills. Not to mention, it will drastically cut down on a number of abortions by keeping women who dont want to get pregnant from being pregnant in the first place...that should make those religous extremists happy.
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Lynn Watchmann, Chairman of the Ohio House Health and Aging Committee, would like to make most birth control (specifically IUD's) illegal in Ohio. The secondary effect of the way the law is written could, if passed, effectively make the birth control pill illegal.


I don't think the primary concern should be availability of birth control, but its legality.


Secondarily, if abortion is publicly funded, then birth control should be more so. There are opposing arguments, based on economics only, stating that if the fetus' targeted for abortion are brought to term, then they will be a burden on taxpayers anyway (statistically speaking), so why not prevent the unwanted pregnancy in the first place?

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let people do whatever they want to their bodies and keep the government out of it.

This. I'm prochoice, but having the Fed pay for abortions with tax money is silly. Prochoice, as in it's your choice to have the procedure done, and becuase it's your choice, you can pay for it.


Edit: Completely misread thread title. Similar sentiments on the topic though, reduction of welfare availability and have birth control remain readily available for consumer purchase.

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Birth control cost insurance companies a lot less than abortions, pregnancies, etc. Most health insurance providers are for it, because it SAVES money. Anyone on here with kids should be able to tell you that.


^^ Bingo.

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Birth control cost insurance companies a lot less than abortions, pregnancies, etc.


Most health insurance providers are for it, because it SAVES money. Anyone on here with kids should be able to tell you that.


Thirded. Paying for birth control makes 1000 kinds of financial sense, and the only reason to object to it is because you're some kind of a backwoods puritan.

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The way i see it, my tax dollars are going to be collected, and spent regardless. So if its going to towards a couple hundred bucks a year for birth control, or thousands of dollars a year to have some kid be on welfare because mom cant take care of it, ill go with the pills. Not to mention, it will drastically cut down on a number of abortions by keeping women who dont want to get pregnant from being pregnant in the first place...that should make those religous extremists happy.

Completely agree. Anything that could help most of CR from procreating is a cause I can support.


It's not entirely about the government paying for birth control either, it's about requiring employers to carry plans that provide it.

Women's access to birth control pills has emerged as a hotly-debated topic on Capitol Hill and in the 2012 U.S. presidential campaign. The Obama administration fueled the debate by proposing that all employers -- including religious institutions such as hospitals and universities, but not churches -- be required to offer health insurance plans to their employees that include free contraception.


Just one sourse I found...


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no and we need to stop helping those that do have too many kids and cant afford it. Lets let the those stupid mother fuckers struggle and hopefully die, so people in the future will procreate when ready.


Your comment is very contradictory. First you say no, they shouldn't get it for free, but then you say that we shouldn't seek sympathy for those that get pregnant. The only way to do that is to abstain, or wear a rain coat, which sucks. Birth control is responsibility. Not taking BC and having kids you cannot afford is unresponsible. not that you'll ever know...


My woman started on it 2 weeks ago. Paid for through her insurance. No harm, no foul.

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I think it needs to be given out to every women out there. if they want to have kids then they need to work to get off the pill. That is my opinion and is mostly due to the fact that too many people are having kids and can't afford them and then we end up paying for it as tax payers due to WIK, food stamps, govt paid health care for kids. Just my opinion
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Also, remember, this isn't about mandating birth control for every woman. It's only requiring that employers give their employees the option of a health care plan that covers birth control. This does not necessarily mean that EVERY plan that employer offers will have this coverage, it just has to be one of the options. It's still the patient's choice and it's not tax dollars paying for birth control! If it's your religious belief that BC is wrong, then DON'T CHOOSE IT FOR YOURSELF! It's that simple!


Also keep in mind that BC can be prescribed for a variety of reasons besides preventing pregnancy.

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