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Tubes in kids ears?


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my boy had it done. also had tonsils, adenoids, and a sinus procedure. its completely safe. don't worry about any stories you hear. most of the time, they simply fall out in time. my boy wasn't quite two when he had it done
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It's not just about the annoyance and/or pain of the ear infections. Constant fluid in the ears or ear infections can seriously hinder speech development (which cascades to delaying just about everything else) just to put the negatives of not getting the tubes into perspective.
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hard to predict how kids will respond to anesthesia. plan for a rough day or two, and then be amazed when two hours later its like nothing ever happened. every kid comes out of it different.

This. younger the kid, the less complications anesthesia will have on the little guy. Eventually they fall out and make sure you keep them covered when they're near water. And they're a lot better than the alternative!

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It's not just about the annoyance and/or pain of the ear infections. Constant fluid in the ears or ear infections can seriously hinder speech development (which cascades to delaying just about everything else) just to put the negatives of not getting the tubes into perspective.


This. Our doc waited too long and our son had to take speech classes the first two years of school.


Putty,Get the tubes done find a Doc you feel comfortable with.


We no longer have the doctor that waited on tubes.

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My other nephew has hard hearing from scar tissue build up due to ear infections not being treated properly. We are going to the Dr tomorrow actually for a check up and going to mention tubes to the doc and see what he has to say


I can't remember all of the details... but one of my good friends recently (within the last few years) had a (benign) tumor removed from one of his ears, I'm pretty sure as the result of scar tissue from lots of ear infections when he was younger. He had reconstructive surgery to repair the inner ear damage at the same time. It doesn't have an extremely high success rate. His first reconstruction didn't take and he had to have a second one. He now has a permanent and significant disability in that ear.

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A good friend of mine had his son get them when he was 4 years old. I know he didn't particularly enjoy the procedure. Before he had a speech impediment and was hard of hearing, now he is accelerating in his first year in preschool, speech is much better and he's learning to be a lot more social.


I would have them done immediately for the same reasons Jesse mentioned.

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My other nephew has hard hearing from scar tissue build up due to ear infections not being treated properly. We are going to the Dr tomorrow actually for a check up and going to mention tubes to the doc and see what he has to say


Funny this thread comes up. My daughter is having done tomorrow. Along with her Adnoids. She's had ear problems since birth (now 6). It'll be nice not have to yell at her when she's not in trouble.

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Just wondering how rough it was for a PARENT of a 1-3yr old that needed to have it done.


didn't hurt me one damn bit.



there was a thread a while back on ear tubes where dr. (p)rick tried to convince people ear tubes were horrible.

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My daughter had it done when she was 5 or 6, and them had them removed after a couple years. Overall not a big deal, got her past her ear issues. Fluid just wouldn't drain before we had it done, but I don't remember her having a hard time with any of it.
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