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Prospecting in Ohio


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Now that gold rush is over for the season, I've got a case of gold fever. I realize there's bearing sea gold, but its not the same.


So, I really want to try it out myself. I don't currently own any equipment, but would be interested in purchasing some. Dicks has a kit, but i also thought about making my own stuff.


My question for you folks is; Have you tried it here in Ohio? Did you have any luck? Any tips or advice for a beginner? My parents have some land in delaware that has a huge ravine with a good size stream running through it. Considered trying down there. Am i wasting my time or do i have a chance at finding something? Id be thrilled to even find a flake.

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Not a waste of time if you enjoy outdoor adventures and the thrill of anticipation (think of how fun it is to play Megamillions), but ......


it certainly is a waste of time to do this in an area such as around here (where there aren't any known, significant deposits of gold) if you're doing it for profit.



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Not a waste of time if you enjoy outdoor adventures and the thrill of anticipation (think of how fun it is to play Megamillions), but ......


it certainly is a waste of time to do this in an area such as around here (where there aren't any known, significant deposits of gold) if you're doing it for profit.




Thank you for the link Doc, will give me something to do at work tomorrow ;)


I do indeed love the great out doors. Unfortunately it got the best of me Tuesdays and made me sicker than a dog.

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Jeffro, I'd be down to join you if you do it. I don't watch the show but I used to do it occasionally when I lived in Cali and Nevada. Besides, whether there's any gold in Delaware or the surrounding areas, like Doc said, I truly enjoy the outdoors and can spend hours looking under rocks near a stream for things that wiggle, run or swim, anyway. I love checking out new areas and know this area well.
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I know there are some groups that do prospecting here in Ohio. There isn't a lot of gold in Ohio, so really small scale opperation is what you will want. But of the guys I have known through the years that have done it, the have found maybe 1-2 ounces a year.
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Not kidding. I can buy you land on the cheap, and let you dig all you want on it. I will only ask for 20% of your takings.


I wouldn't want just some random field somewhere. Besides, who has thousands to risk? Not I.


I went up to my parents property yesterday and gave it a try. With my little experience and know how i thought i found a few tiny little specks. I'll be honest, it could have been nothing, but it was enough to convince me to try again.


I spent some time last night watching youtube and researching panning techniques and digging spots, so perhaps ill be a little more prepared next time. I also plan to buy some proper equipment. Dicks sells kits for 30 bucks which includes a few different pans, a classifier and other small tools. Tonight im going to check out the stream in its flooded state and see where the calm spots in the water are. This should indicate where the gold (if any) would settle.


Anyways, ill update this thread with pictures should i find anything worth sharing.

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I wouldn't want just some random field somewhere. Besides, who has thousands to risk? Not I.


I went up to my parents property yesterday and gave it a try. With my little experience and know how i thought i found a few tiny little specks. I'll be honest, it could have been nothing, but it was enough to convince me to try again.


I spent some time last night watching youtube and researching panning techniques and digging spots, so perhaps ill be a little more prepared next time. I also plan to buy some proper equipment. Dicks sells kits for 30 bucks which includes a few different pans, a classifier and other small tools. Tonight im going to check out the stream in its flooded state and see where the calm spots in the water are. This should indicate where the gold (if any) would settle.


Anyways, ill update this thread with pictures should i find anything worth sharing.


What do you think prospecting is? IT is a random field somewhere, that you may or may not find gold on.


I can get you in the moutains, on a stream/creek etc... If you want to make money, you have to spend money. If you buy a piece of land where drilling has been done and the soil tested, you are going to be paying tens of thousands of dollars for the rights to use that land.


That is actually a business up here, people buy land, drill it, and if they find gold they sell the rights to let someone mine it, for an absurd amount, 20-40% of your gold.


The offer stands, if you want a piece of land, that you could use to look for gold, or even use as a getaway, let me know.

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Got my first flakes in the stream behind my parents house this afternoon. Poked it with a pin and it didn't break apart. Not much bigger than a grain of sand, but still exciting. Id love to take pics but my cell camera is too shitty. I have it in a glass vial, where i hope to add more.


Id like to step up the operation slightly and add some sort of sluicing mechanism. It takes wayy too damn long to pan a handful of gravel only to find a small speck/flake. sluicing is 100X faster than panning.

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You've been watching too much Bearing Sea Gold and Gold Rush.


Contact the discovery channel, maybe they'll get you on a TV show :).


The problem was gold rush ended. I dont really care for bearing sea gold.

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BSG has the most annoying MFers ever on it. I want to drown them all in that water; especially that twit of a woman. Open your eyes when you talk, Bitch!


Yep. She aughta do a nude shoot to get the money for the faggot opera shit she that she wants to do.


All I heard on that one boat the wild ranger was f you, f this, f this boat. That summed that up pretty much.

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Nome will make anyone go crazy. Isolated place, no roads to the outside world.


*edit* Props on finding some flakes of gold. Takes a lot of work to find gold, and often the payout is very small. Sluicing would be a good way to go, but it will end up costing you some money to run. I hope you find something worth while. Maybe you can find a couple of nuggets/pickers. You see a lot of Gold Nugget jewelry up here in AK.

Edited by kshymkiw83
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  • 2 weeks later...

Higher resolution picture? I cant see shit.


And i finally caught the finale of gold rush, and all i can say is FUUUUUUCK that...all that work for ~$8,000? How shitty were their jobs they left to go make $8,000? I assume they were up there for multiple months, right?

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Higher resolution picture? I cant see shit.


And i finally caught the finale of gold rush, and all i can say is FUUUUUUCK that...all that work for ~$8,000? How shitty were their jobs they left to go make $8,000? I assume they were up there for multiple months, right?


According to Dorsey's blog, they were making like $35K per episode in the first season to divide between the guys as well. I assume they made more this year.

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