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the Trayvon Martin case


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With all the other more important things going on in our country and the world, the media wastes time on this, giving any moron who can tell the story they want a pedestal to spout their bullshit from. No doubt it yields great ad revenue.



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Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus! Have a Blessed Day. :rolleyes:


America, where being 50% white and 50% anything else = White. :fuuuu:

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Im actually pretty tired of hearing all this racist bullshit.




We havent even gotten all of the facts yet and 38% of "white" people and 80% of "black" people have already made up their minds, simply based of the race of the victim. 44% of adults that voted are dumb enough to already have made up their minds before the real facts are even presented.


Now what if this was the other way around, what if a white, asian or hispanic boy was shot? What do think the media would say about any of those races?


I think we can blame a LARGE portion of todays race related issues solely on the media. If it didnt make them a few pennies by bringing it up they simply wouldnt bother. One things for sure, THIS case will be a HUGE money maker for everyone. If it took them THIS long to even make an arrest I could only imagine how long its going to take them to try for a conviction.

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Im actually pretty tired of hearing all this racist bullshit.




We havent even gotten all of the facts yet and 38% of "white" people and 80% of "black" people have already made up their minds, simply based of the race of the victim. 44% of adults that voted are dumb enough to already have made up their minds before the real facts are even presented.


Now what if this was the other way around, what if a white, asian or hispanic boy was shot? What do think the media would say about any of those races?


I think we can blame a LARGE portion of todays race related issues solely on the media. If it didnt make them a few pennies by bringing it up they simply wouldnt bother. One things for sure, THIS case will be a HUGE money maker for everyone. If it took them THIS long to even make an arrest I could only imagine how long its going to take them to try for a conviction.


Sums it up pretty well.


Racism is alive and well down here in Southern Louisiana and its not coming from any white folk Ive come across.



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Im actually pretty tired of hearing all this racist bullshit.




We havent even gotten all of the facts yet and 38% of "white" people and 80% of "black" people have already made up their minds, simply based of the race of the victim. 44% of adults that voted are dumb enough to already have made up their minds before the real facts are even presented.


Now what if this was the other way around, what if a white, asian or hispanic boy was shot? What do think the media would say about any of those races?


I think we can blame a LARGE portion of todays race related issues solely on the media. If it didnt make them a few pennies by bringing it up they simply wouldnt bother. One things for sure, THIS case will be a HUGE money maker for everyone. If it took them THIS long to even make an arrest I could only imagine how long its going to take them to try for a conviction.


well put... :)

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I think we can blame a LARGE portion of todays race related issues solely on the media. If it didnt make them a few pennies by bringing it up they simply wouldnt bother. One things for sure, THIS case will be a HUGE money maker for everyone. If it took them THIS long to even make an arrest I could only imagine how long its going to take them to try for a conviction.


The mainstream media are the ones who generated the little poll you posted, so how can you trust it is factual when they are poised to make a huge sum of money from this issue? This whole Trayvon / Zimmerman case is just a circus of ignorance.


I believe cops, prosecutors, and judges treat everyone equally shitty regardless of race. When it comes down to it a human being shot a human being - do you think Zimmerman would of NOT pulled the trigger because (insert other race besides black) guy was smashing his head on the pavement?

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I think its pretty obvious he didnt.


i think it is pretty obvious he did. according to him and three witnesses he was assaulted by his vehicle, which he claimed he was walking to leave.


and the dispatcher only said "you don't need to do that"

that is different then someone in authority telling you not to do that.

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i think it is pretty obvious he did. according to him and three witnesses he was assaulted by his vehicle, which he claimed he was walking to leave.


and the dispatcher only said "you don't need to do that"

that is different then someone in authority telling you not to do that.




i think it is pretty obvious he did. according to him and three witnesses he was assaulted by his vehicle, which he claimed he was walking to leave.


and the dispatcher only said "you don't need to do that"

that is different then someone in authority telling you not to do that.






i think it is pretty obvious he did. according to him and three witnesses he was assaulted by his vehicle, which he claimed he was walking to leave.


and the dispatcher only said "you don't need to do that"

that is different then someone in authority telling you not to do that.



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i think it is pretty obvious he did. according to him and three witnesses he was assaulted by his vehicle, which he claimed he was walking to leave.


and the dispatcher only said "you don't need to do that"

that is different then someone in authority telling you not to do that.


911 dispatcher: Are you following him?


Zimmerman: Yeah.


911 dispatcher: OK. We don’t need you to do that.



Knowing what happened next....do you honestly think Martin came after him if he was being followed? We both know if we were being followed, at night, by a stranger, we'd retreat to some sort of safety.


He makes such a comment

Zimmerman: OK. These assholes. They always get away.


How can anyone not see he was trying to be a vigilante.

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"In announcing the arrest, Corey would not discuss how she reconciled the conflicting accounts of what happened or explain how she arrived at the charges, saying too much information had been made public already. But she made it clear she was not influenced by the uproar over the past six weeks."



Yeah right, Bullshit

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Legal majority shoots and kills unarmed legal minority, he admitted to chasing, despite being advised not to. He was out of his vehicle, when the shooting occurred. You can speculate he was attacked just as easily as you could speculate that Trayvon felt threatened, and acted in self-defense. I see little in the above that would constitute a clean shoot.
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Legal majority shoots and kills unarmed legal minority, he admitted to chasing, despite being advised not to. He was out of his vehicle, when the shooting occurred. You can speculate he was attacked just as easily as you could speculate that Trayvon felt threatened, and acted in self-defense. I see little in the above that would constitute a clean shoot.


unless if z was walking back to his car?

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