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Cafe project #1 complete


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I purchased two bikes about a year and a half ago with the intention of having them converted to cafe style bikes for reconditioning and resale. The first one I gave to the motorcycle mechanic I used in the 1960's-1980's. He is eighty now but is still a top notch mechanic and machinist. I think he really enjoyed working on this and I am certainly pleased with the result, which I picked up today and drove home in the drizzle:




It started life as a 1982 Suzuki GS450Tz which I bought from Dennis (im faster). I suppose I should have taken photos of the bike then--maybe he has old photos he can post.


It got low bars, a much simplified tail section with solo seat



My friend made a number of pieces, such as these side covers made of diamond plate:




A lot of bodywork was removed, such as the front fender.



Wheel Medic did a great job salvaging the pitted wheels:





Kevin Clifford did a great job painting the tail section, tank, and side covers:



Numerous new parts included bar-end mirrors, shocks, seat, tires, chain, sprocket, turn signals, exhaust and fairing.



I like the chrome and black look, although I realize it's not for everyone. I wanted the look of old classy, but well-used and with a bit of rust showing. I wanted to avoid the matte black/exhaust tape/torn seat look, though.




I asked him to fully service and tune the bike and rebuild and synch the carbs. The thing has a great growl and wants to run wild. It's hard for me to believe it's just a 450.


Considering the requests I made of my old friend, I think he delivered a great bike. Despite keeping the Ducati, I don't see me following through with selling this. It's just too fun. ;)



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What exactly makes a bike a cafe? I have seen a few I liked but this one isnt my cup of tea. No offense Doc it looks like it was done very well.


While this bike is very well done and anyone would be proud to call it their own, i dont know if i would call this cafe.


To me( and maybe this is just me) cafe means removing just about anything and everything that isn't necessary. Its a combination of lightening with increasing the connection with the bike.


today we have so many mechanisms to know exactly what is going on with cars, bikes, etc. There is something freeing about removing spedos and tachs so that you have to rely on auditory engine RPM and how fast the trees are flying past. Its about feeling



Back on track, what ever you classify this bike as it looks amazing and i can only imagine how fun it is to ride. 60-80's era bikes have a special place in my heart. Any chance you can throw up a video if it idling?

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What exactly makes a bike a cafe?


While this bike is very well done and anyone would be proud to call it their own, i dont know if i would call this cafe.


To me( and maybe this is just me) cafe means removing just about anything and everything that isn't necessary. Its a combination of lightening with increasing the connection with the bike.


I have to agree somewhat with both of you. "Cafe" is a pretty vague term. I suppose it's akin to the term ricer. We can list a few common elements of ricers, we don't all agree on the elements that make a car a ricer, yet most of us feel we know a ricer car when we see it.


Wikipedia has some interesting history on cafe racers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caf%C3%A9_racer


For me, these are elements of the cafe style:


late 1950's-late 1970's bike

usually British, German or Italian

low, narrow clubman bars or low clip-ons

a solo seat

rear-mounted pegs

a tucked-in, forward-leaning riding position

a long, fairly flat gas tank

excess weight removed / handling and performance optimized

no accomodation for touring or comfort

no fairing, or a small bubble fairing


The more of these characteristics a bike has, the more cafe it is in my mind.


The look I wanted might have a little bobber style in it, too.


All of these are cafe racers, at least to some people's definition: https://www.google.com/search?q=cafe+racer&hl=en&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=dw9wT6ndFeXk0QH8_qnDBg&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&sqi=2&ved=0CCQQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=682


Vince, thanks for finding "before" photos.

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From what I understand, Cafe racers were essentially street racers. They got their name from hanging out in Cafe's while waiting for a race to come around. They weren't really bike gangs in the Harley Davidson chopper sense, but more like what you see on Sawmill with cars. Loose associations of friends that would hang out together and race each other and people from other groups on the street.


Stripping the bike was a cheap way to go faster and narrowing it was an initial stab at aerodynamics.

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