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Added more games


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I've added about 20 more games to the CR Arcade. I have probably another 200 or so I'll add over the coming months.


Yes, I know some of them are really gay. They're free, so quit complaining.


However, I will end up removing the really retarded ones at some point.

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If it doesn't take up much space or whatever computer shit that goes on why not leave them all active?


I couldn't get off CR last night, thanks dick.


Because some of them are really gay and I'd prefer not to have them wasting our space, we are on a different server now.


You're welcome. You get to align the GTO at 8am Wednesday, BTW.

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Knowing CR, you'll have to shut down the "Comments" sections for high scores with the sh!ttalkin' going on...


Also, I think it's sad that I owned 6 games over the last 2 nights, and now have lost all trophies by 4pm. WTFBBQGETALIFECRHERPADERP :)


EDIT: Hang on a tick...I didn't see the trophy by my name before. Now it's there. WIEERRRD...

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