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Sullinger Press Conference Today


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He's gone, shouldn't come as a suprise to many. I don't think he is going to make a very good NBA player, not many 6'9 power forwards with no leaping ability in the league these days. He was a very good college player where you can get away with lack of height, itll catch up to him in the NBA. Stil a top 15 pick none the less. Best of luck to him regardless of what he chooses to do. Lets hope Deshaun Thomas doesn't declare as well or next years season is gonna be ugly for OSU



Edit OSU has confirmed he is gone!

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Why blame him, his back is screwed up, a bulging disc is never going to "fix" itself, his body is falling apart already...Get the money now, smart life decision.


Pop-A-Shot shouldn't leave unless he is a 1st rounder, which I do not see that. Although they don't play defense in the NBA so he would make it just fine.

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Love lines like these from people who probably haven't watched the NBA since Jordan played.


I love people who do not realize the "marketing" strategy that the NBA and Stern have created, which is , score more, and more people watch, play less defense.


This is not just my opinion it is generally widely known that is the case.


Granted in the playoffs they play "slightly better" defense.


The NBA is built around scoring points and as many as possible.

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Why blame him, his back is screwed up, a bulging disc is never going to "fix" itself, his body is falling apart already...Get the money now, smart life decision.


Pop-A-Shot shouldn't leave unless he is a 1st rounder, which I do not see that. Although they don't play defense in the NBA so he would make it just fine.


Yeah, he made the right decision. Another year in college may have improved his draft stock, maybe. On the flip side, he could get hurt and he would be allowing the analysts to critique him more.

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another year from freshman to soph killed his stock. i think he probably wants to stop the bleeding.


Probably correct with this assessment. Everyone assumed he would be spectacular this year. Add to that the injuries, and I just don't see him being a huge draft prospect. What do the scouts see in him? There's no way he can play the power game that he does now, in the nba.


I still think he's playing the wrong sport. Should have been a tight end if you ask me. 50 percent of his weight is between his knees and waist--definitely not the anatomy of a basketball player

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The only person I can think of that is a similar build and taht is just based on height really that plays the PF position is Carlos Boozer. Even then thats a stretch as Boozer is jacked and Sully is not, we'll see how he does though I guess. Hopefully he doesnt join the list of recent Buckeyes to leave and not do shit in the NBA
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