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Hi my name is Mike! I live in a Florida! I had a 2004 Cobra but sold it last year! I have a 1990 Mustang GT that I'm currently building and putting a 5.4l in! Right now all the pics I have are of the Cobra! Look forward to the site!!





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Palatka, huh? I was stationed at Mayport and had a few friends from that area.


So how did you end up on CR?


Yeah Palatka, the smell of the mill!lol I've head about it from SVTperformance and Supraforums!


Hey Mike! Are you moving to Columbus or something! Car looks great! Too bad you sold it! This is exciting!


No, not moving to Columbus but West Virginia soon! I have seen people talk about this site for a good little bit on SupraForums and SVTperformance.com and thought I would check it out! I love car forums for knowledge and to help with some of the knowledge that I have when asked for! I use alot of exclamation marks to end my sentence so hopefully no one thinks I trying to make a point!!lol

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