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HomeOwners With A Fence


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So this is my first year mowing grass at my new house...


I have a fenced in yard.



My neighbor aparently thinks that I have 1.5' of property on their side of my fence..


So they dont mow it.


At first I was like "Fuck that, im not mowing that strip. Ill let it grow"


Well I let it go to 3' and said screw it,last week I went over there with the weed eater and made a mess. As it was growing through my fence.


The other 2 houses that butt up to my fence mow theirs just fine, but dont weed eat against my fence (Because they dont have weed eaters)




1) Am I suppose to mow / weed eat inside and outside my fence? As in walking in my neighbors yard?


2) Should I get my property lines checked to see if infact that is my property?


I really dont understand why they wont just mow it.. I mean chaulk it up as your land, fuck it..









This is not the kitchen, I dont need haters in my thread.. :gabe:

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Wonder if it has something to to with the laws in your area. I know some don't allow you to put fences on your property line, but have to be set so far back. Mine is on my property line and I have no back neighbors, so I mow back a bit to keep the weeds a little further back from my yard.
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I enjoy mowing the grass, I would just do it. So they literally just stop mowing at an imaginary line? At somepoint they will really do something to piss you off, I wouldnt let this bother you.


It doesnt really bother me... I like mowing grass AFTER its done. Minus the allergies and sneezing.



I just think it look weird if I mow my strip, and they dont mow for a week...


But I guess it looks weird too if they mow and dont mow that strip and its 3' tall..


They are NEVER in their backyard. They actually have a couch in front of the back glass doors.

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Ok I'm confused? U have a fence up....and your neighbors on the other side of the fence won't mow, Close to your fence?



Heres a picture I took awhile back.. Their yard.. They go strait back, then leave that strip..


This can be seen from the front of my house, and the side of their house..



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I know when my fence was put up the guys at guardian said its the norm to place the fence 6" inside of your lot lines so that people cannot just hook on to your fence and use yours without premission.


Im not sure if thats my property or not.. I have heard the 6" rule before...



But does that mean your suppose to mow and weed eat outside the fence also?


If I was outside the fence I would sum it up as my property and just mow it..

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use some sort of grass killer between there yard and your fence and say fuck them, your side of the fence looks nice, there side not so much :fuckyeah:


I did think of this.. As I have used oil.. LOL



I guess Ill just mow the strip and weed eat..


Just doesnt make CENTS to me that they would leave that strip..

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Thank you for your worthless fuckin post :dumb:


:gabe: Really though, my parents had the exact same issue with their place up at Indian Lake. They just asked the neighbors in a wtf kind of tone and the neighbors mowed it from then on. Then again, your neighbors have a couch in their yard so they probably aren't very reasonable

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when we put up our fence I gave up a foot of yard and I told my neighbor I was surrendering that to them. Which they were fin with. But I am also really good friends with my neighbor as well. honestly I would not have it surveyed unless you know someone that will do it as a favor it costs $300 + IIRC to have a yard done and Honestly I would rather mow the spend the money. I would just ask them if they mind mowing it if the say they do cut the shit to the ground :gabe:








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Get that guy who wants to look around for old things with his metal detector to find the pegs to your property.


Talk to them, just knock on the door. I would.


Just mow it and put a little round up at the base of the fence so you don't need to weed eat it. If mowing is a pain, then round up the whole thing if they will not mow.

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I've got a perfect solution. I would:


1. check the property line to see if they are right.

2. If they are thank them and move the fence giving myself more yard.

3. ???

4. Profit.


Ive thought about that also. As the fence needs replaced this year or next.

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The metal detector idea is fantastic.. Heck, the pins may even be sticking out in the back.. Another point is, the fence may be inside the easement because of those boxes back there. My neighbors fence is 1.5ft inside his property line because o the boxes, and my fences butts up against his giving me an extra 1.5 of back yard ( we discussed this prior to putting up the fence)


Who lived there first?

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My wife and I just moved in here in October. I have no idea how long they have been here.



I found the metal stake by the curb.


I think your right on the electric / cable boxes. That must be why the fence is over and they aren't mowing it.




Oh well, I'll just keep mowing my little strip of grass I guess.

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