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Columbus Recycling-


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Hey Coleman, while i appreciate you finally wising up.. and toatlly love my huge recycling bin.. but giving me over a MONTH to fill it before the first pickup is mildly annoying.


Since we have been given our recycling bin, our trash has gone from being competely full eveyr week, to a bag, maybe 2 a week..

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Iirc they are slowly rolling it out across town. Poor/ghetto areas will get it last, so you will be waiting a while :gabe:


It doesn't really even matter to me. It takes me at least 2-3 weeks to fill up my normal trash can.

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Not sure I want one if they aren't going to pick it up weekly. I suppose I can not take one eh? We usually make 1-2 drop offs per week as a recycling station isn't far from us.



First pickup is on June 1st we got our in April :lolguy: after that it will be every other Monday.

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First pickup is on June 1st we got our in April :lolguy: after that it will be every other Monday.


this.. and its a HUGE trashcan.. not quite as big as the one you already have.. but its big.


Yah, we got ours almost 3 weeks ago.. and first pickup is june 4

alternating yard waste pickup

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