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CA wants to ban the "bullet button"


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SACRAMENTO (CBS 5) – The debate over California’s strict gun control laws is about to heat up in Sacramento and it’s all because of what we reported a few weeks ago.


“When I saw the news I was absolutely horrified,” said State Senator Leland Yee, referring to a CBS5 report about the so-called bullet button.


It’s a modification that enables the magazine of a semi-automatic rifle to be removed quickly, with the tip of a bullet. Removable magazines in combination with other features like a pistol grip and telescoping stock are banned under California law. But the bullet button is legal because it doesn’t work with your finger, so the magazine is considered “fixed.”



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The modification has allowed military style rifles like the AR-15 to proliferate in the state, something Senator Yee said has got to stop.


“It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear, there is no debate, no discussion,” said Yee.


That’s why the Senator is introducing a bill to ban the bullet button.


“What I am proposing is to essentially prevent any mechanism that would allow the conversion of an assault weapon into a way that you can fire these magazines upon magazines without effort,” he said.


The senator’s bill is already in the cross-hairs of the Calguns Foundation, the state’s leading gun rights group.


“I am not sure the Legislature has an appetite to bite off something so large,” said Calguns President Gene Hoffman, the creator of the bullet button. “The real reason I designed it was because the original kind of ways to create AR-15s that were California legal were actually quite dangerous on the range.”


He said if a magazine is fixed, which is how California law requires it to be, bullets can jam.


“So the nice thing about the bullet button is that it allows you to remove the magazine and clear the jam,” he said, arguing that it essentially makes them easier to handle. “They they are lightweight, easy to shoot for women. It’s more accurate.”


Since AR-15s have become the most popular selling firearm in America, he argues they’re now protected under the constitution.


“The reason the second amendment was put into the Bill of Rights is because General Gage wanted to take the Bostonians’ firearms. If Leland Yee wants to be General Gage it will be an interesting outcome,” said Hoffman.


Senator Yee said he’s ready for battle.


“It’s never going to be easy, but by the end of the day we are here in Sacramento to protect the general public and I think that is my priority,” said Yee.


Senator Yee plans to introduce his bill on Monday. As we did when we originally reported this story, we asked the State Department of Justice for comment on the issue. Once again they declined.


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well jeez if people would quit going on mass killing rampages with AR15s in Kalifornia I'm sure they'd leave it alone. God if they could reload, they'd be killing even more innocent taxpayers!



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Someone explain to me what this does that a normal weapon does not? Do weapons in magazines need a tool or something to release in california?


I am kind of wondering the same thing but not so much because california.

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Someone explain to me what this does that a normal weapon does not? Do weapons in magazines need a tool or something to release in california?


Now you have to use the tip of a bullet to release the mag. My guess is that this law will require some type of tool to be used which will obviously not violate constitutional law at all.

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Now you have to use the tip of a bullet to release the mag. My guess is that this law will require some type of tool to be used which will obviously not violate constitutional law at all.


Ok but what did you have to use in CA before the tip of a bullet?

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Ok but what did you have to use in CA before the tip of a bullet?


As far as I know it was just a normal mag release prior to the bullet button. So, in that case, you used your finger.

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As far as I know it was just a normal mag release prior to the bullet button. So, in that case, you used your finger.


Forgive me I am not familiar with the functions of the AR but.


They are complaining about ppl making it LONGER to change out a mag?


Think about it.


Empty clip use finger insert new clip


Bullet mod.


Empty clip find bullet pocket etc put tip of bullet in a hole to release the mag insert new mag.....



or am i really missing something here....

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NVM answered my own question.


"""""Brian Normandy is an instructor at Jackson Arms. “As long as we don’t have a detachable magazine in it, it’s actually a legal firearm,” Normandy said.


Other states allow people to use their finger to pop out the magazine and quickly reload. It’s called a detachable magazine, and in California, its use in combination with other features such as a telescoping stock or pistol grip is illegal.


The intent is to slow down the process of reloading the weapon. But many target shooters don’t like the reloading hassle. “For me to use this on the range, I would have to open up the receiver and top load it,” said Normandy.


To get around this, gun manufacturers are selling firearms to Californians with what is called a “bullet button.”


The user uses the tip of a bullet to release the empty magazine and pop in a new one. The button doesn’t work with one’s finger, so the magazine is considered “fixed.”""""""

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Forgive me I am not familiar with the functions of the AR but.


They are complaining about ppl making it LONGER to change out a mag?


Think about it.


Empty clip use finger insert new clip


Bullet mod.


Empty clip find bullet pocket etc put tip of bullet in a hole to release the mag insert new mag.....



or am i really missing something here....


No I think that's what they are trying to do here, make it so that it takes even longer to swap mags. They are saying that the bullet tip release is too fast and easy.

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Now you have to use the tip of a bullet to release the mag. My guess is that this law will require some type of tool to be used which will obviously not violate constitutional law at all.


Marijuana is legal in California, so you can see where priorities lie and what is best for the "greater good." Granted, it's perfectly acceptable for the Law Enforcement community and Departments of the Government to operate without these infringements. I'm glad Mr.Barrett will not sell to any California agency due to the State's policy on .50BMG weapon ownership.


"The modification has allowed military style rifles like the AR-15 to proliferate in the state, something Senator Yee said has got to stop.


“It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear, there is no debate, no discussion,” said Yee."


Ignorance is bliss in California.

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Marijuana is legal in California, so you can see where priorities lie and what is best for the "greater good." Granted, it's perfectly acceptable for the Law Enforcement community and Departments of the Government to operate without these infringements. I'm glad Mr.Barrett will not sell to any California agency due to the State's policy on .50BMG weapon ownership.


"The modification has allowed military style rifles like the AR-15 to proliferate in the state, something Senator Yee said has got to stop.


“It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear, there is no debate, no discussion,” said Yee."


Ignorance is bliss in California.


Yee needs to go back to China and take his communistic idealogies with him. Fucking Moron. Fuck California.

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If you read my last post you will see that it says that to make AR's legal in CA the mag has to be fixed so one has to top load the mag with it still attached to the gun.


At least that is what my powers of deduction have lead me to believe.


NVM answered my own question.


"""""Brian Normandy is an instructor at Jackson Arms. “As long as we don’t have a detachable magazine in it, it’s actually a legal firearm,” Normandy said.


Other states allow people to use their finger to pop out the magazine and quickly reload. It’s called a detachable magazine, and in California, its use in combination with other features such as a telescoping stock or pistol grip is illegal.


The intent is to slow down the process of reloading the weapon. But many target shooters don’t like the reloading hassle. “For me to use this on the range, I would have to open up the receiver and top load it,” said Normandy.


To get around this, gun manufacturers are selling firearms to Californians with what is called a “bullet button.”


The user uses the tip of a bullet to release the empty magazine and pop in a new one. The button doesn’t work with one’s finger, so the magazine is considered “fixed.”""""""

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As was sort of mentioned earlier; California passed a law some time ago that allows the use of only a certain number of 'assault weapon' accessories. This includes things like removable mags, pistol grips, telescoping stocks, shoulder things that go up, and so on. Because of this, you can't really use removable mags in combo with a pistol grip. I believe their law states that in order for a mag to be considered 'fixed' it had to require the use of a 'tool' to remove it. Using anything but your finger is a tool, is pretty much a tool, whether its the tip of a bullet, a twig, screwdriver, whatever. It's a tool. Speaking of tools, Senator Yee clearly fits that description as well.


Anyways, to sort of circumvent the law, the bullet button was invented. So, people could run a pistol grip, and still (safely) be able to remove the magazine in order to reload. Trying to load a permanently fixed magazine is stupid and unsafe. As was also stated earlier; killing 31 people is OK, but 32 is too much?


Uneducated people should be barred from political positions.

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