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paul get in here


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About Paul



Well i am Awesome


On the water.



Year/Make/Model of vehicle(s)

2012 Accord GrampsEdition

First Name


How did you hear about Columbus Racing?


Why do you want to join Columbus Racing?

for the bitches!


dude you are not in the military. if you were, i would deem this acceptable. but to claim an MOS/AFSC/Job code without doing the AIT is the equivalent of lying.


i had an acquaintance once who joined the military, was issued a CAC (military ID), and then never went to basic. several months after this occurred, I ran into him, and he was using it for military discounts, and also telling chicks he was in the military.


don't be that dude paul.

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I was watching a show the other day called 2 weeks in hell. It was special forces "try outs". Couldnt help but think of paul when they all started complaining, vomiting, quitting, or their body just shut down.


Not saying i could do it, but lol.

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is i had an acquaintance once who joined the military, was issued a CAC (military ID), and then never went to basic. several months after this occurred, I ran into him, and he was using it for military discounts, and also telling chicks he was in the military.


Since when did they start giving military ID before going to boot camp?

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but for serious dude, you updated your car when you bought the accord, its right there with it. :lolguy:

u can delete the job section in your profile all together. I thought I did so. Simple mistake :finger:


Since when did they start giving military ID before going to boot camp?


They won't. U get a id when u get to basic when you go threw reception(getting your shots gear ect) and they take it when u outprocess (I was due to getting injured)

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Since when did they start giving military ID before going to boot camp?


I got mine before i went to BCT but that was only because i needed one to get onto Rickenbacker and take a ride in a Black Hawk. This was back in 07 tho.

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I got mine before i went to BCT but that was only because i needed one to get onto Rickenbacker and take a ride in a Black Hawk. This was back in 07 tho.


They gave you a military ID before you were actually in so you could ride in a helicopter?


We got ours somewhere around 3rd phase....I think. It was a while ago, but I recall it being around the same time we got our name tapes.

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Careful not to confuse all CAC cards with and actual military ID. They look the same, but rank indicated or civilian will be shown. Also, DOD employee's get these and look close to it. They are all CAC cards. You have to look at what they say and most people don't, then get away with saying they are in the military.
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