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Ohio University offer's a 4 year program with CSCC but its called a 'Bachelor of technical & Applied studies" not a "Bachelor of Science" (in whichever field/major your in) is this a huge difference? Would a hiring manager look down on this?


I'm looking into it b/c I've made it this far without any student loan debt paying everything myself, working 40+ hours a week. Going this route would save A LOT of money rather than transferring to OSU. But I also don't want a bullshit degree after all of that. Any advice?

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I'm a recruiter and the only reason I would look into it is if you are looking for a career in a competitive field. Some of those "other" bachelors degrees are so broad that it looks like you're taking the easy way around it. Personally, I see the bachelors and the 4 years and I wouldn't look into it. I would definetely put OU instead of CSCC though
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When I hire people the degree is a tick box. Need degree, you have one, tick! I then ask what you actually know etc... I have a pure business degree, I have never been asked anything about what I did in college or what my degree means to me. Can I do that job, can I work with the team, that's what they always want to know.
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I'm a recruiter and the only reason I would look into it is if you are looking for a career in a competitive field. Some of those "other" bachelors degrees are so broad that it looks like you're taking the easy way around it. Personally, I see the bachelors and the 4 years and I wouldn't look into it. I would definetely put OU instead of CSCC though


Sorry if i wasn't clear. It's a degree from OU, the only difference is all of the classes are taken at a site campus (which happens to be on CSCC campus). Similar to graduating from OSU Newark, just without the lifted pickup trucks and farm animals I'm sure (see what i did there? little nerk joke).


Anyway, I think this will probably be the direction I want to go in. I've talked to some manager's to see what they look for and its similar to what Akula said.

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