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Paul got his jimmies rustled by Mowgli? Isn't that how most conversations between to people of immensely different intelligence levels normally go?


Space is the only thing that has any chance of saving us from ourselves, besides God.

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Paul got his jimmies rustled by Mowgli? Isn't that how most conversations between to people of immensely different intelligence levels normally go?


Space is the only thing that has any chance of saving us from ourselves, besides God.


Didn't get rustled at all. Just lold AT him basically


Fatties gon fat I guess.

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Watched the whole thing live.


Faith in humanity points, +200.




Us putting a Robot on a dead planet definitely restores my faith in humanity. We will suddenly be a peaceful society where individuals all take responsibility for their decisions. We will stop killing unborn kids, murders will disappear, divorce rate will be 0%, there will be no more child molestors, rapists, thieves, liars, biggots, etc.


Faith in humanity now ='s 100%.

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I really hope that after spending $2.5B on this mission that someone thought to mount a high definition color camera on that thing. It looks like the first few photos on the ground are black and white. I would have personally pitched in the extra $250 for a decent high def color camera.
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Thirty bucks says the only guys who don't care drive trucks and/or work shit-, I mean blue-collar, jobs.


Yeah, I'm an elitist dick.



And how do you manage to type after typing all day? Must be rough on the dainties. That's like working out after working (ya know blue collar jobs/actual work).


And I do care bout thems space'm ships rockets

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I really hope that after spending $2.5B on this mission that someone thought to mount a high definition color camera on that thing. It looks like the first few photos on the ground are black and white. I would have personally pitched in the extra $250 for a decent high def color camera.


they just raised the "head" of the robot today up which has all high def cameras for stills and video. Give them time they have to make sure all is well and go through all their steps before we get into the good stuff

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I really hope that after spending $2.5B on this mission that someone thought to mount a high definition color camera on that thing. It looks like the first few photos on the ground are black and white. I would have personally pitched in the extra $250 for a decent high def color camera.


The first few photos were from a camera with a clear lens cap on it. The sky crane caused much dust to accumulate as it hovered from the rockets before the rover was gently placed on the surface. I seriously hope you read more before you post again.

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The first few photos were from a camera with a clear lens cap on it. The sky crane caused much dust to accumulate as it hovered from the rockets before the rover was gently placed on the surface. I seriously hope you read more before you post again.


Missed that. I'll be sure to "read more" before I post again. Thanks captain Kirk.

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I really hope that after spending $2.5B on this mission that someone thought to mount a high definition color camera on that thing. It looks like the first few photos on the ground are black and white. I would have personally pitched in the extra $250 for a decent high def color camera.


The cameras are only 2 megapixels for a number of reasons. One is based on the data rates and lack of speed when sending them back to earth. It's all coming over a UHF attenna with get this.....250 megabits per day.


The other is simple that the specifications back in 2004 are fixed and can't be changed. You can't simple propose one spec and then go with another.

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One is based on the data rates and lack of speed when sending them back to earth. It's all coming over a UHF attenna with get this.....250 megabits per day.


I hadn't taken the time to look this up, but I assumed their bandwidth was pretty choked. It's not like you can plug the rover into a Roadrunner connection. Between the data involved, and the super low power consumption requirement I can't see much point in super high res pictures. We have a lot of pictures from the surface, I figured they would be more about the mineral analysis of the soil.

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I was YooToobing, trying to find pics/vids/whatever from Curiousity, when I stumbled over this gem of a video. Srsly, I don't know where 45minutes just went. Well done and my mind asploded comprehending the logistics of a manned mission to Mars.


Some of the info I knew, but it all put things into perspective. Good luck to whomever first lands on Mars.


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