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Possible getting Divorced!!!!


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I'm hoping to keep the lawyers out of this, but I doubt it. Here's the story been married for 14 yrs, have 14 yr old daughter, wife doesn't work. We own your house, or atleast paying a mortage. What is the percentage for child support and alimony?



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I'm hoping to keep the lawyers out of this, but I doubt it. Here's the story been married for 14 yrs, have 14 yr old daughter, wife doesn't work. We own your house, or atleast paying a mortage. What is the percentage for child support and alimony?




You don't own my house.


Seriously though if you're going to be paying child support and alimony, it's best to deal with a lawyer. Alimony varies a lot.

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I'm hoping to keep the lawyers out of this, but I doubt it. Here's the story been married for 14 yrs, have 14 yr old daughter, wife doesn't work. We own your house, or atleast paying a mortage. What is the percentage for child support and alimony?




I don't think you'll get an answer here. Have you considered a mediator? Look into it if you're not sure. Good luck, man.

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You need a lawyer no way around it. Especially given the questions you're asking. Dig deep in terms of child support and alimony if you're wife hasn't worked for a while. You'll essentially walk with half of everything including the debt. Depending on your situation, you'll likely sell the house and split the equity or one will buy the other out. If you need a good referral, I'd be happy to PM you. My wife no longer practices but has several she is dishing out as referrals. Good ones she knows and trusts.
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Jesus christ, what is the premise behind alimony? Why should someone deserve a cut of your paycheck for nothing? (Aside from child support)



its kind of like collecting unemployment for cooking and cleaning. and it usually has a rider attached that takes it away

if you get remarried.

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its kind of like collecting unemployment for cooking and cleaning. and it usually has a rider attached that takes it away

if you get remarried.


Fuck that. I would sell all my shit, bury the cash and file bankruptcy. Then start working for minimum wage.

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Jesus christ, what is the premise behind alimony? Why should someone deserve a cut of your paycheck for nothing? (Aside from child support)


nothing? in this case the couple was married and chose to raise a child and for the past 14 years those decisions were jointly agreed upon. the point being she's a stay at home mom by joint decision so now since there's a divorce, the husband can't just up and leave her to fend without continuing the income level and life that she once had simply because. the obligation to provide the lifestyle she's had for the past 14 years doesn't end just because the marriage does.

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Fuck that. I would sell all my shit, bury the cash and file bankruptcy. Then start working for minimum wage.


You can't do that. Judges, especially in Ohio will have your ass and you will still owe her the money if it takes the rest of your life to pay it back.

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nothing? in this case the couple was married and chose to raise a child and for the past 14 years those decisions were jointly agreed upon. the point being she's a stay at home mom by joint decision so now since there's a divorce, the husband can't just up and leave her to fend without continuing the income level and life that she once had simply because. the obligation to provide the lifestyle she's had for the past 14 years doesn't end just because the marriage does.


I'm saying if she has a job making decent money. Say that guy was making 90k, and she was making 50k. If the woman got alimony, that would be horseshit.


You can't do that. Judges, especially in Ohio will have your ass and you will still owe her the money if it takes the rest of your life to pay it back.


I would leave the country in that case. Who's saying I wasn't going for a lower paying job that more suited my aspirations? I would assume the alimony can be adjusted lower. Some people can't sustain their earning potential, and I'm sure its happened before, intentional or not.

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nothing? in this case the couple was married and chose to raise a child and for the past 14 years those decisions were jointly agreed upon. the point being she's a stay at home mom by joint decision so now since there's a divorce, the husband can't just up and leave her to fend without continuing the income level and life that she once had simply because. the obligation to provide the lifestyle she's had for the past 14 years doesn't end just because the marriage does.


that's bullshit though!

when (mostly) men get bent over after a divorce, they are required to keep the ex's lifestyle stat quo. by doing so, THEY (the money earner) are no longer able to keep that same lifestyle! i can see helping with a little money, but losing HALF of everything is enough, but also continuing to provide a certain lifestyle? FUUUUUUUUU!

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nothing? in this case the couple was married and chose to raise a child and for the past 14 years those decisions were jointly agreed upon. the point being she's a stay at home mom by joint decision so now since there's a divorce, the husband can't just up and leave her to fend without continuing the income level and life that she once had simply because. the obligation to provide the lifestyle she's had for the past 14 years doesn't end just because the marriage does.


Tim, can you elaborate on this? Basically the poor guy could be supporting his family, his wife could become a psychotic cheating cunt, so they divorce by "joint decision" and the guy is still obligated to keep giving her half his money and she can just continue to sit at home?

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I'm saying if she has a job making decent money. Say that guy was making 90k, and she was making 50k. If the woman got alimony, that would be horseshit.


Not horseshit. Together married they earned $140k. Again, just because the marriage is over doesn't mean she's now off to live off just $50k. Life together is based off income and debts together and thus during divorce that same standard is held.


I would leave the country in that case. Who's saying I wasn't going for a lower paying job that more suited my aspirations? I would assume the alimony can be adjusted lower. Some people can't sustain their earning potential, and I'm sure its happened before, intentional or not.


The law won't allow you to earn less than your potential. You can change your personal aspirations and live as a bum, but you still need to pay up. Lose your job or not, you will owe the money and a good lawyer will get the judgement. Believe me, my wife closed up shop but still has 9 divorces that could go on for years still. Lots do. Those poor bastards should just pay up and move on. Instead they will pay up to both their ex wife and my current wife to which I won't complain. :) Heck, she just had one settle while we were on vacation and the court ordered him to pay her fees too. Poor bastard fought for two years and lost twice. :lolguy:

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Tim, can you elaborate on this? Basically the poor guy could be supporting his family, his wife could become a psychotic cheating cunt, so they divorce by "joint decision" and the guy is still obligated to keep giving her half his money and she can just continue to sit at home?


Not Tim, but a guy I work with just went through this. His asshole still hurts from the raping that he got! Not to mention that she got half of his 401k, alimony for a few years, child support until they are 18, he pays for all insurance/medical expenses, and the kids spend 1/2 of the time with him. Fucking kills me. He gets fucked because she decided that she needed to whore it up while he was at work.

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Moral of the story, don't get married....


+ (∞ - 1)


It's just a piece of fucking paper in the grand scheme of things. All of this "wedding day" bullshit that some women come up with is such a god damn waste of money anyway. Thousands upon thousands of dollars spent on one...fucking...day. No.

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that's bullshit though!

when (mostly) men get bent over after a divorce, they are required to keep the ex's lifestyle stat quo.


Cuts both ways bro. My wife practiced for 18 years and it was about 60/40 that the husband earned more. lots of times they don't. Besides, what makes you think the husband is the only one that gets bent over? When last I checked, the wife gets her life tossed in the trash too you know. Even more so when she's left to collect allimony through the courts from an ex who fights kicking and screaming against the law and commitments they once held to vs his situation where there's often a paycheck coming in.


Being a stay at home wife sucks IMO dude. More power to my wife because there's no fucking way I could do it.


by doing so, THEY (the money earner) are no longer able to keep that same lifestyle! i can see helping with a little money, but losing HALF of everything is enough, but also continuing to provide a certain lifestyle? FUUUUUUUUU!


Neither keeps the same lifestyle. That's life when getting divorced. Each side loses. Worse when kids are involved because in 99% of contested divorces more often than I can believe, the kids are who get fucked because the parents turn into children.

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