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New Person


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Sounds like you have a good group of cars! Dont let the CR trolls make you change your mind about CR, not all of us are dick heads ready to jump down someones throat.


Read the Sticky posted above, and try to fix your intro!



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Sounds like you have a good group of cars! Dont let the CR trolls make you change your mind about CR, not all of us are dick heads ready to jump down someones throat.


Read the Sticky posted above, and try to fix your intro!




I dont see any trolls in this thread. If the guy cant do whats needed to get in then fuck him.

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I dont see any trolls in this thread. If the guy cant do whats needed to get in then fuck him.



Yes thats the correct way to treat a new guy that cant follow rules.. No wonder everyone talks so much trash about this CAR forum..




Give him a chance to fix his entry post

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Yes thats the correct way to treat a new guy that cant follow rules.. No wonder everyone talks so much trash about this CAR forum..




Give him a chance to fix his entry post


Been preaching this for a while but all you hear is "bro this is how CR has always been"


Hi new person, please post a smige more info and some car pics.

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Yes thats the correct way to treat a new guy that cant follow rules.. No wonder everyone talks so much trash about this CAR forum..




Give him a chance to fix his entry post


If you have to hold everyone's hand to get in, what's the point of having them make an intro to begin with? If they can't take the time to read and understand the rules, why have them?

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If all his cars are 60s and 70s id bet he's older and not a world forum traveler. May need some help wich when he reads the sticky he will know how to post pics.

Just go to photobucket and copy paste the img. Files for pics.

Welcome and pos rep. For not conforming to their ways right away!

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