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3D Tv people, I got a question.


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Do you watch 3D content all the time, or is it rare? I just bought 2 51" 3D Sammy Plasmas for the new house. Pretty good deal IMO but I really wonder how much we will watch 3D. I spent a little more on the model to get the 3D feature. One is for the wife and I in our bedroom, the other is for above our fireplace in our great room. Edited by Benjamin
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short answer, No.


I have 3 or 4 3D Bluray movies, I've only watched half of one in 3D, but the positive is when buying 3D movies you get a disc for each format so you don't have to watch it in 3D if you don't wanna, the negative side is the price for 3D Bluray movies are double what 1 Bluray cost and the selection is very limited not much to choose from.

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I never watch it. When I first got it I watched 1 movie, and played 3D PS3 games for a bit, GT5 in 3D is pretty cool...but then I just stopped. Never really think about it. I did watch some of the Olympics in 3d. There are some cool programs on the directv 3d channels, I just sort of forget that I have 3d, and putting on glasses can be too much of an effort. firstworldproblems.
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Only ever saw a 3D broadcast during the Olympics. Was unwatchable due to the large field of view and constantly shifting focus. 3D looks like utter shit without a ton of post processing.


I downloaded 2 3D movies, one was decent. Shutter glasses will make your eyes bleed though. I think it's Panasonic and Toshiba that have TVs that use regular polarized glasses now, which is what movie theaters use.


Overall verdict, 3D sucks.

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I spent the money on a 3D smart TV. It is a 65" with passive 3D. Active glasses are a pain. You need to charge them, sync them to the TV, I can see the shutters, and extra glasses are like $75. Passive has no batteries and you get glasses for free if you keep your 3D movie ones from the theater (otherwise like $20).


Short answer is NO. I have watched about 3 things in 3D. I also don't like the "smart" TV. If I did it again, I would go with a smart DVD player or Roku. For $100 you can get a new one in a few years when new hardware is out, I am not buying a new TV every 5 years. Also 3D hurts my eyes after an hour, you can only focus on what the camera focuses on. Your brain tries to focus on other things, background, other areas of the screen, and can't. That is why some people, like me, get headaches from them after a while.

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