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Coming Home


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Well after 12mths (10mths) in Afghanistan, im finally starting the journey home tomorrow. Its been a very long and very slow year. I feel like i have missed out on a lot of stuff, especially my sons life. I got to country in November and went on R&R mid December so i could be home for the birth of my son. It was great to be there for the birth and i wouldn't change it for the world, but damn, 8 straight mths over here feels like forever. Anyways, i'm looking forward to just relaxing and then getting life back on track. Hopefully i can catch a few meets before the end of the season too. See you soon fellas.
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Almost everybody came home to cheating/pregnant wives and girlfriends including me. Moved my shit into my parents' basement and spent every night at the bar in an alcohol binge and got into some other shit and wanted to kill myself. The deafening silence of no jets/mortars/bombs going off every night drove me insane. Hope you're better off.
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I can't even imagine missing the first 8 months of my son's life.


Welcome home. Are you back for good?


It definitely sucked being away for the first 8mths, but at the same time, i would rather it be now while he wont remember any of me being gone, but at the same time it does suck to miss all his "firsts". And yes im done for good once i get back. My contract is up in March.


Good to see that you are making it back in one piece.


Thanks man, i appreciate it.


What was your job description over there?


Im a 68W (medic) with an Infantry platoon. We was supposed to have a "Land Owners" mission in Paktika or Khost but it got changed the day before we got in country and we got stuck in Kabul doing SecFor, PSD, Convoy Security, etc. All just fancy Army words for a glorified taxi all around the Kabul area.

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Almost everybody came home to cheating/pregnant wives and girlfriends including me. Moved my shit into my parents' basement and spent every night at the bar in an alcohol binge and got into some other shit and wanted to kill myself. The deafening silence of no jets/mortars/bombs going off every night drove me insane. Hope you're better off.


Sounds like you had it way worse than me for sure. Despite what the news makes it out to be, its actually been really calm for the most part, at least for us anyways. Im sure some of that has to do with being in the Kabul area. We never once took contact or had to deal directly with IED's. Obviously all of us wanted to come over here and "see/do" something, but at the same time, its nice to be able to come home to my wife and son in one piece. We just feel like we didnt really get to do our jobs. Oh well. Regardless though, thanks for what you did. Fortunately for me, i have a beautiful wife and handsome son waiting to welcome me home.

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Welcome home and thanks for serving, I didn't serve so I feel strongly about thanking those who have. So a sincere thanks, have fun with your son.


Welcome back, and thanks. :thumbup:


Thanks fellas, i appreciate it alot.

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Welcome home and thanks for serving, I didn't serve so I feel strongly about thanking those who have. So a sincere thanks, have fun with your son.


I cant second this enough. I dont have the mental strength to do what you guys/gals do for us.

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It definitely sucked being away for the first 8mths, but at the same time, i would rather it be now while he wont remember any of me being gone, but at the same time it does suck to miss all his "firsts". And yes im done for good once i get back. My contract is up in March.



You should get to see his first steps at least (unless you have some kind of superbaby who is walking already). I feel like they are just needy blobs the first 8 months anyway. After they start walking and talking it gets interesting.


You are a better man than I for what you've done.

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Yeah being over there whether you're enlisted or a civilian blows no matter how you slice it. I got home in May and went over last April, I was a contractor though. Thanks for your service and like others have said glad you're in one piece, enjoy the time with your son/wife.
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Thanks again for all the support everyone, its greatly appreciated. I just made it to the airport in Kabul after a whopping 1min 51sec helo flight lol, and found out that were stuck here for 4 days. So that means i wont be making it to CC&C for a little while, but i will deff check it out when i get back. And Joe, ill have to take you up on that drink so we can actually meet. Thanks again, and ill see you guys state side in a couple weeks. And yes, i did get out of a lot of diaper changes, but im sure the wife was keeping count so i have some catch up to do.
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