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Detailers question about leather


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I often see cars with leather seats that appear to be very shiny and basically seem like they would crack if folded over. I assume this is from years of owners applying cheap protective products that has eventually just built up. Is there a way to fix this or has the leather just been exposed to the wrong product for to long? I have leather seats in my daily and except for the drivers seat they all still seem fairly soft and dont appear that bad. I have never used anything but a damp cloth to wipe mine down. While on this subject my drivers seat is showing cracks and appears to be wearing quickly especially where I slide in and out. I have seen some articles over the years of reconditioning them with product and plastic bags covering them but is there an easy user friendly way of doing this or better left to a professional? Thanks
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Yea possibly wrong product, but more than likely just dirt, grime, and oils from the skin building up over the years. Leatherique will leave it soft and matte. I should say though, you might need to do more than one application. Older, dry leather tends to soak up the oil.


Let me know if you need any. If you do order it make sure to get a spray trigger, and a leather brush helps too.

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