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First question on the economy took 23 minutes or so. Jim can't keep a lid on this thing already.

Noticed the same thing. However, it seems like Romney has been more willing to overpower Lehrer's moderation than Obama. Also, Romney looks to be on the defense, which makes it seem like Obama is "winning".

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Noticed the same thing. However, it seems like Romney has been more willing to overpower Lehrer's moderation than Obama. Also, Romney looks to be on the defense, which makes it seem like Obama is "winning".


It's happy hour here and I lean left but I feel like Romney is "winning". It might be his half smirk disappointed dad look.

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Romney is cool as a cucumber. The man is hitting the nail on the head tonight.


WHAT? mitt is more jittery than a crack head looking for a fix. we can agree to disagree on politics, but you're fucking crazy if you think mitt romney looks "cool as a cucumber"

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Barack's speech is much slower, choppy. Lots of "ahhs" and "umms". Maybe its just a product of getting older. He doesn't seem like the great orator he was 4 yrs ago.


He uses a teleprompter all the time or he gets flustered. Its a little Bush-esque imho.


He really has to think about his answers. Its like he's trying to remember everything he was coached on to remember.


I like obamas personality in general, im dont think hes a bad person, i just dont like his politics.

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WHAT? mitt is more jittery than a crack head looking for a fix. we can agree to disagree on politics, but you're fucking crazy if you think mitt romney looks "cool as a cucumber"



What you're seeing is a business man who is competitive speaking to the moderator and passonate whereas Obama is a great speaker but has to find his place in his minds teleprompter to remember what he's supposed to say.

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How many times is Obama going to tell what he believes his version of Romney's plan is. Geesh.....WTF is your plan there Obama!! Talk about your shit! +1 for Romney stuffing his plan and knowledge of it back down Obama's throat. +2 for touting his real world experience vs Obama who barely can show he's done anything.


+11 Billion for letting people have choices and letting states take care of their own people vs forcing the big Federal Gov't take charge of everything.


LOL at Obama talking "we cut this" "we saved that" yet he continues to add $1T per year to our debt.

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Nevertheless, how could anyone watching this believe Obama is "winning"?


Charlie Sheen just called and even he said Obama was NOT winning :gabe: Romney handled the facts like a pro. Definitely painted the picture of himself as sitting behind the desk.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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I wish Romney would keep asking Obama:





That and Obama couldn't even defend his own plan or record of doing shit either. Damn!


Even Obama's own adviser David Axlerod won't answer the question about how insight on the Presidents demeanor and how he handled himself :lolguy:

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