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I can't type that much on an iPad to muster a retort. If nobody else contests your points (especially the debt limit part) I'll do so tomorrow.


I will patiently await for tomorrow, because (please the rest of CR dont take this the wrong way) I think you are the only person to academically argue on here for the democrat/liberal view point.

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Personally, when it comes to the national debt, I'd like to see the government decrease unnecessary spending and (i know I'm one of very few people in the country to want this) raise taxes for everyone. Now don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy getting my tax return. However, I wouldn't mind getting a little less back for the good of the country.


I guess what I'm getting at is I don't care who is in office. I just want to see things done with the well being of the country in mind, rather than the "what can I do for me and my buddies" mentality.

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I guess what I'm getting at is I don't care who is in office. I just want to see things done with the well being of the country in mind, rather than the "what can I do for me and my buddies" mentality.


I just spotted a true American. ^^


This country is so divided that we are never going to get anywhere. The winner will have about 30% of America hoping they fail just so they can tell their friend of a different party they told them so. The argument about whats good for America has turned into a debate about who wont make it worse.

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My view on the presidential race:


America is like a dumb girl and the candidates are horny guys. They are going to say what they need to in order for us to trust them and ultimately have sex in a cheap motel room. Once they have sex with us they typically fade away only to show up to lie, make excuses, or have more sex. The lies and excused go on long enough for them to lose popularity with us. The problem is they are the only guy we feel will give us the time of day so we stick around. We know we are getting screwed but we hope deep down inside things will change. We hope they care about us enough to make things better and hold true to all the promises. We even defend them when our friends call them losers.


Eventually, they leave us worse off than when we first met them. Having no where to go, we run to the next guy with a confident smile promising us the world... As Americans we have been screwed for so long that my only question at this point to the candidates is will they use lube this time?

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Not all hte candidates have been that way.... Do some reading up on Ron Paul....


He tried running as a republican, but the republican party is too full of pompous jackasses, and he didnt win the primary... People kept saying his ideas were "too radical"... but in reality he said a lot of hte same things the other candidates did, except he actually put REAL numbers and FACTS to what he wsa going to do, not just hand waving....


Unfortunately, the VAST majority of people are ignorant to the fact they ahve more than 2 options, and the VAST majority of people only know what htey see on TV, which is dominated by two extremely well financed parties... Otherwise I guarantee this would be a completely different race.

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Not all hte candidates have been that way.... Do some reading up on Ron Paul....


He tried running as a republican, but the republican party is too full of pompous jackasses, and he didnt win the primary... People kept saying his ideas were "too radical"... but in reality he said a lot of hte same things the other candidates did, except he actually put REAL numbers and FACTS to what he wsa going to do, not just hand waving....


Unfortunately, the VAST majority of people are ignorant to the fact they ahve more than 2 options, and the VAST majority of people only know what htey see on TV, which is dominated by two extremely well financed parties... Otherwise I guarantee this would be a completely different race.


I don't have to read up on him, hes the guy I'm voting for:fuckyeah:. I vote for the guy with the most common sense. He's realistic and not a cheerleader/puppet. I saw a few speeches back during the primaries that sold me. He even attacks companies on welfare, not just people. Too bad there are a lot of people voting that don't even know he exists.



People don't research, they use the info given to them. The info that leaves out the bad from one side while flooding it into their houses about the other party. All to interject false hope and fear. In the end we get screwed over and over because people are left confused. Being informed means nothing when the next 100 people voting behind you are lemmings.The reality is knowledge just makes you aware of how bad things are with very little control or ability to make a change. Unless you know millions of people that are influenced by your decision/suggestions I would suggest you pre-lube your glory hole. The extra smarts just means you'll know your being screwed and be able to articulate each stroke.


Around 130 million people voted in the last election. This time around I'm going to guess similar numbers thanks to the 47% nonsense getting minorities to vote. People are not voting for a winner, they are voting against the loser. People dont vote for Obama because they like his views, they do it because Romney scares them. They dont vote for Romney because he has great ideas. They vote for him because he's not Obama. We are truly trying to figure out who wont mess us up the most at this point.


Being a thinker my entire life I often envy the ignorant. Thats a bliss I have never been able to tap in to.

Edited by V8 Beast
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At this I point I dont understand why people are not more aware. You can do a few searches on the internet and practically learn just about anything. I bet I could perform surgery with a month and a good search engine :lol:



Follow that up with


"one term proposition"


^^^ Label and store in the false hopes and dreams section.

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If you think Obama wont "increase the debt or tax the shit out of normal people" are blind because he's fucked up the country with mountains of debt already & you're lying to yourself.




At this I point I dont understand why people are not more aware.


because 47% of Americans are brain dead dumb or support lowering the bar.

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VP debate seems to be a better horse race than the presidential debate. It is certainly a different perspective than the presidential debate, these guys are in the trenches debating much smaller details than compared to last week.
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LOL Did I just hear Ryan say "I Recieved SOCIAL SECURITY survivorship benefits TO GO TO COLLEGE"?!! So Ryan was part of the 47% sponging of the government? LOL


I don't think the 47% was a shot at people who have had run into difficult times, it was a shot at the people who have done little to improve their situation over a long period of time. Ryan did go to school and he is probably not sponging off of government subsidies other than the great benefits members of the government get.

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i cant stand how biden contiunes to laugh while ryan has his 2min. he looks like an idiot. ryan is staying calm and is acting like someone that represents the country. i'm not sure who i want right now but dam, for sure not biden right now
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