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Big Bird - anyone care?:)


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Romney's proposal to zero-out federal spending for public broadcasting will have little to no effect on Sesame Street's budget because the show receives "very, very little funding" from PBS, Sesame Street's executive vice president Sherrie Westin told CNN last week. Westin said the majority of the show's funding comes from corporate sponsorships, product sales and donations.


"Quite frankly, you can debate whether or not there should be funding of public broadcasting. But when they always try to tout out Big Bird, and say we're going to kill Big Bird - that is actually misleading, because Sesame Street will be here," Westin said. "Big Bird lives on."

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This story is funny because americans want to bitch and moan about goverment spending. Then when someone talks about cutting something as simple as Sesame Street, they freak out. Prime example why nothing can get done, because tough decisions need to be made and nodoby wants to make them. The easiest resolution is to simply push the problem up the money chain. Just tax the rich more, yeah that'll fix it....
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Romney's proposal to zero-out federal spending for public broadcasting will have little to no effect on Sesame Street's budget because the show receives "very, very little funding" from PBS, Sesame Street's executive vice president Sherrie Westin told CNN last week. Westin said the majority of the show's funding comes from corporate sponsorships, product sales and donations.


"Quite frankly, you can debate whether or not there should be funding of public broadcasting. But when they always try to tout out Big Bird, and say we're going to kill Big Bird - that is actually misleading, because Sesame Street will be here," Westin said. "Big Bird lives on."

So the show will continue to have funding for filming, but who will air it? The stations that broadcast it will be shut down, so in a sense it's not a false statement.


There are tough budgetary decisions that need to be made, but I don't think axing public broadcasting is really attacking the "meat" of the issue. There's not much to be gained from it, IMO.

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So the show will continue to have funding for filming, but who will air it? The stations that broadcast it will be shut down, so in a sense it's not a false statement.


There are tough budgetary decisions that need to be made, but I don't think axing public broadcasting is really attacking the "meat" of the issue. There's not much to be gained from it, IMO.


I woudl bet dollors to donuts ANY brodcasting channel would be VERY HAPPY to pick up Seseme Street.


Slightly Related.

Watch this.. Its totally feel good documentary about the guy who "became" Elmo.


You'll quickly see Seseme Street isnt hurting for cash.

(seriously, if you havent seen this, its on netflix and REALLY good.)


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People have made this into something larger than it is.


PBS will still exist with out federal funding AND we will drop almost a half Billion dollars off the budget. Seems like common sense....


Will it fix the problem,... Ofcoarse not, but cutting all the bullshit like that will.


If I lose my job, I'll quit spending money on movie rentals. Will that pay my mortgage, no,.. But cutting all the dumb little shit will.


Our collective lack of intelligence and common sense is frightening.

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I'd rather have tax money spent on providing something the constitution states the government should do (protection) than a television show...even if it equates to 6 hours of protection.

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Cutting PBS, and other programs that offer early childhood education is a massive mistake. Kids who participate in developmental growth and educational programs are more likely to graduate high school and attend college than those that don't.


Here's a study that outlines more benefits.




Of course, the GOP platform has been based off keeping Americans dumb, so it isn't a surprise I guess.

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Cutting PBS, and other programs that offer early childhood education is a massive mistake. Kids who participate in developmental growth and educational programs are more likely to graduate high school and attend college than those that don't.


Here's a study that outlines more benefits.




Of course, the GOP platform has been based off keeping Americans dumb, so it isn't a surprise I guess.


I consider myself an independent.


"Fuller notes that parents were able to choose to join the program. So it's possible that children did well at least partly because their parents were committed to their education, not just because of the program."


Parents committed to education at any level are going to outshine parents/students that aren't...even when tax dollars aren't present. The study you listed is flawed.

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People have made this into something larger than it is.


PBS will still exist with out federal funding AND we will drop almost a half Billion dollars off the budget. Seems like common sense....


Will it fix the problem,... Ofcoarse not, but cutting all the bullshit like that will.


If I lose my job, I'll quit spending money on movie rentals. Will that pay my mortgage, no,.. But cutting all the dumb little shit will.


Our collective lack of intelligence and common sense is frightening.

Yeah, it's such a big win for the deficit....


The current appropriation is just over one one-hundredth of 1 percent (0.01 percent) of the federal budget – approximately $1.35 per person per year, Jan McNamara, senior director of PBS’ Corporate Communications told PolitiFact in an email.


I understand the mentality of pinching pennies, but we're talking about saving a penny while adding additional dollars to our spending. This is a non-issue to me. It's nothing but political hand waving while dodging the tough issues. Honestly, I don't see why Romney would even bring this up. No one is going to vote for him because of this, but some will vote against.

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Yeah, it's such a big win for the deficit....




I understand the mentality of pinching pennies, but we're talking about saving a penny while adding additional dollars to our spending. This is a non-issue to me. It's nothing but political hand waving while dodging the tough issues. Honestly, I don't see why Romney would even bring this up. No one is going to vote for him because of this, but some will vote against.


It's $445 million dollars. That's far from chump change considering there are thousands of instances of wasteful spending like this.

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I'd rather have tax money spent on providing something the constitution states the government should do (protection) than a television show...even if it equates to 6 hours of protection.


When asked how to reduce the deficit Gov. Romney says that he can make it up in spending cuts. Fine. He is entitled to that opinion.


I think the kerfuffle about all this is when asked for specific things he would cut his first line item after the PPACA (whose repeal would increase the deficit by $109B) is to say he would cut a PBS subsidy worth $450M.

It's like asking a fat person how they are going to get in shape and they first they say is "I'm going to switch to diet soda." Sure that might help your caloric intake but that alone won't make you fit so why mention it. You don't become fit by switching to low kcal drinks and you dont fix a deficit by eliminating a single $450M expenditure.


It's $445 million dollars. That's far from chump change considering there are thousands of instances of wasteful spending like this.


YES! now all we need to find is 36,000 more $450M programs to cut and we will be debt free

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It's $445 million dollars. That's far from chump change considering there are thousands of instances of wasteful spending like this.



I'll make it look like chump change, :)


Bush Bailouts:


May 2008: Stimulus checks and tax cuts - $178 Billion Stimulus Package

September 2008 - $200 Billion Stimulus Package – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Bailout

September 2008 - $50 Billion Stimulus Package To Guarantee Money Market Funds

September 2008 - $25 Billion Stimulus Package – Automakers Bailout

September – November 2008 - $150 Billion Stimulus Package – AIG Bailout

October 2008 - $700 Billion Stimulus Package – Banks Bailout


Bush managed to spend 1.3 trillion on corporate welfare in a span of 6 months, versus PBS 445 million annually (0.03% of the above spending)

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Speaking from a soldiers standpoint, we don't need to be spending a crap ton of money more on the military. We have a big enough budget as it is and plenty to work with. Some of that cash could be coming back to us here in the country to fix our dilapidated transit system, jacked up educational system and telecommunication infrastructure.


Cutting PBS and NPR funding is complete trash and doesn't address anything except cutting public funding to something children across the country have been learning from for years.


Please for the love of god people take a step back and look at the actual issues.

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