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The first episode in the entire series where something actually happened. It kept my attention. Kudos to Rick for mowing all those people down from behind. That was pretty awesome.


I believe they said going forward, you are either the butcher or the cattle. I think Rick is in butcher mode.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Awesome kill scene of the last guys from Terminus. Also, da fuk took so long for Bob to turn? Andrea's sister turned in minutes.



The look on the priest's face was priceless, glad Rick and co took out the Terminus guys. Not completely sure on Bob, but hadn't Andrea's sister actually died quicker? They only turn once they're actually dead now, right? Can't wait for next week, finally get to see Beth again!

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The look on the priest's face was priceless, glad Rick and co took out the Terminus guys. Not completely sure on Bob, but hadn't Andrea's sister actually died quicker? They only turn once they're actually dead now, right? Can't wait for next week, finally get to see Beth again!


LOL!! Andrea's sister got bit at the bus in the mini camp they had in the woods. She turned almost immediately and Andrea freaked out because she didn't want to kill her. Bob lasted like 2 days.

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LOL!! Andrea's sister got bit at the bus in the mini camp they had in the woods. She turned almost immediately and Andrea freaked out because she didn't want to kill her. Bob lasted like 2 days.



Shit I forgot about that, lol. Maybe the virus or whatever it is has mutated to allow longer life, LOL. Would've been hilarious if all the terminus people got the disease because they ate Bob, though

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Shit I forgot about that, lol. Maybe the virus or whatever it is has mutated to allow longer life, LOL. Would've been hilarious if all the terminus people got the disease because they ate Bob, though


Or maybe quick change timing didn't fit into the writing/script/story.


Because inconsistent show is inconsistent.

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There was a bit of dialog in the episode about "Jim"(?) (I think that was the skinny guy from sesason 1 who they dropped off on the side of the highway, from Dale's Winnebago) taking a couple of days to turn.


I keep waiting for him to show back up as a walker but I doubt it will happen.

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Turning and dying aren't the same thing. Andrea's sister died fairly quickly after she was bit (bit on neck I believe and bled out fast) but didn't reanimate until the next morning with Andrea still holding her and Andrea just calmly shot her in the head.


We never even saw Jim die. They left him on the side of the road to die from the infection then eventually turn.


Bob died from the infection but they didn't even give him a chance to turn by putting the knife into his head.


I think Jenner at the CDC in season 1 said they had seen people reanimate within minutes and others take days.

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BTW, does the "whatever is causing the reanimation" make everyone's skull super fragile? Tyreese put that knife into Bob's head like he was putting the mail through the mail slot. Not that the show needs more violence but I was expecting something more pulp fiction needle scene and a little less cutting wedding cake.
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BTW, does the "whatever is causing the reanimation" make everyone's skull super fragile? Tyreese put that knife into Bob's head like he was putting the mail through the mail slot.


LMAO!! I giggle every time a face goes into a skull

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LOL!! Andrea's sister got bit at the bus in the mini camp they had in the woods. She turned almost immediately and Andrea freaked out because she didn't want to kill her. Bob lasted like 2 days.


Jim lasted forever too. Bob got bit on the shoulder. Didn't die immediately. IIRC (maybe not) Andrea's sister got her neck devoured. Pretty quick death.


Shit I forgot about that, lol. Maybe the virus or whatever it is has mutated to allow longer life, LOL. Would've been hilarious if all the terminus people got the disease because they ate Bob, though


"We are ALL infected." ~ Rick in the comics.

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They fucking split the groups up. Great. Now each episode will cover this group or that group. Goddamn it


She was with Rick. Only people that left were Glenn Maggie and the guy who thinks he can safe the world, which I think is crazy. There's been nothing that proves this guy isn't a lunatic.

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