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Agreed... considering the comic (which is like what 60 issues ahead of the timeline of the show now) is still at Alexandria?


I expected things to slow down once they reach there but there are some cool stories that could happen considering that several characters alive in the show were either not in the comic or dead long before Alexandria.


I am curious how the Daryl dynamic plays with the sheltered Alexandrians. I am also not trustful of the Enid girl Carl was following. I think she's sketchy and may be working with outside sources. Deanna made it a point to point out she exiled two people and I am thinking Enid may be a plant of those people looking to get revenge. I may be wrong but can see that happening.


Also, the whole "Wolves" thing is still out there with just a few teases. I am guessing they are the Scavengers of the comic in the show but who knows. That could amp up the intensity... At least I hope!



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Seems like there was a little bit of foreshadowing with the husband of the chick that cut Rick's hair....chilling on the porch in the dark smoking a cig....something will be happening with that dude for sure.....


Also curious what happened to the gun in the blender....these episodes can't be action packed every single episode, there has to be some development of characters and story lines. Even though you may not realize it, each slow scene builds a character more and more for what future decisions will be made during high tense situations....one of the reasons I enjoy this show.....

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Seems like there was a little bit of foreshadowing with the husband of the chick that cut Rick's hair....chilling on the porch in the dark smoking a cig....something will be happening with that dude for sure.....


Also curious what happened to the gun in the blender....these episodes can't be action packed every single episode, there has to be some development of characters and story lines. Even though you may not realize it, each slow scene builds a character more and more for what future decisions will be made during high tense situations....one of the reasons I enjoy this show.....


Comic readers have an idea where this may go (I say may because they change stuff up), but I agree... that dude is shady. I have a feeling that missing gun has something to do with some major plot points but then again I'm not sure the writers are that smart.



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I'm fine with "slow" episodes if they're actually interesting. This last one was. Probably the first "slow" episode since "Clear" with Morgan in season 3 that was decent. Yes, character development is a thing but when the writing and acting is as bad as it typically is on this show character development isn't really happening. It's just the buzz phrase for blind defenders of the show.


There should be a LOT of good stuff happening at Alexandria if they try to stick to the comics. Unfortunately they haven't shown any competence whatsoever in taking the best parts of the source material and translating them to television so I'm kind of just waiting and watching to see how they ruin this arc.

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I find it funny when people complain about slow parts. You're not very analytical and deep thinkers, are you? Honestly, I find things are getting pretty suspenseful and give me a lot of emotional anxiety. A lot of open ends that could go just about anywhere, and as mentioned, the foreshadowing of the wife's husband was interesting. I too would like to know what happened to the gun. I honestly don't think things are going to work out for them in Alexandria. Like Carl said, everyone there is weak. I really hope they take over the town, like Rick suggested.
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I find it funny when people complain about slow parts. You're not very analytical and deep thinkers, are you? Honestly, I find things are getting pretty suspenseful and give me a lot of emotional anxiety. A lot of open ends that could go just about anywhere, and as mentioned, the foreshadowing of the wife's husband was interesting. I too would like to know what happened to the gun. I honestly don't think things are going to work out for them in Alexandria. Like Carl said, everyone there is weak. I really hope they take over the town, like Rick suggested.


Interesting comments... I wouldn't argue this. I LOVED "Clear" btw... one of my favorite episodes of the series. There were a lot of little nuggets they put in Sunday's episodes that could go many ways. I think it will be interesting to see where they take them. Plus there is the whole easter egg of Morgan being on their trail. I can't wait to see where that goes.



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I see alot of mention about the gun. My gf and I wondered this, as well. Our initial though was that the girl who snuck out had something to do with it. As you know, Carl was following her, lost her for a moment and found his father Rick which leads me to believe she had been near there herself. If nothing else, we know people from that group have been watching Rick's group for a very long time. Someone could have easily been watching them on the approach to camp. Your guess is as good as mine as to why they'd take the gun if that's the case.


Something else that bothered me was that the congress lady told Rick they were the first group allowed to enter in a very long time, yet, the girl is supposedly very new. So, either congress lady lied, or that girl was in a very small group or alone. How did she survive until now? Why would she climb the fence right by the new people's house? Of course, there are reasonable explanations for this, but these things still bothered me while watching the show.

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I find it odd how many people disliked the last episode. I've been over the show for quite a while, but my wife still loves it and I've watched since the beginning so I had a hard time to give it up. This last episode drew me back in. To me, it was crazy just to see the crew (minus Daryl) get cleaned up and get reintroduced to small things that used to be their daily norm.


As far as the blender at the little shack. Was there any significance to the letter J on the gun that he put in there? I'm not a comic reader, so I was guessing an affiliation of Alexandria had removed the gun (remember, they were watching the group undetected) and planted the walkers in the trash pile and the hole by the blender. I could've been looking into it too much, but did anyone else notice that there were 5-6 walkers that came up on Rick and Carl, and Rick looked at his revolver and back at the walkers a couple times before pulling his knife out. I wondered if those walkers were sent by whoever planted the other two in an attempt to get Rick to empty his ammo.

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Two members of Alexandria were following the group, undetected, for a long time. If you think they're weak, or completely inexperienced, you may need to think again. They had to not only follow while being undetected, but also take care of themselves, not get lost, deal with the walkers, and still pay attention to their targets, silently. You've underestimated that cities ability to function.
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