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last debate 10/22


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Obama is trying harder to actually show he's doing stuff. I like how Romney was clear that Obama just spend 90 seconds attacking him vs answering the question. I like how he stuffed Obama's whispered / "un-heard" conversation back at him too.
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well thats was uninformative. i heard a lot of agreeing from the 2. i cant stand how obama just interrupts and tries to talk over Romney. obama seems to just try and justify the last 4 years as opposed to discuss the future. but this is just how i viewed the debate(s)


i would have liked to see the 3 at all the debates!

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Overall I thought this one was pretty lame. I think it did spin off a bunch of sound bites that both sides will use over the next 14 days.


Thought it was also ironic that O made fun of the tv attack ads, I wonder if he knows that he is running the majority of them, especially in OH?

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Many lols to be had in political discussions, and many dumbs to be witnessed.


It's amazing how 2 people can view one show and come away with 2 very different sets of observations. It's all a matter of the chair you watch it from (or perhaps whether the chair is red or blue).

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Many lols to be had in political discussions, and many dumbs to be witnessed.


It's amazing how 2 people can view one show and come away with 2 very different sets of observations. It's all a matter of the chair you watch it from (or perhaps whether the chair is red or blue).


Having the ability to recognize your own bias is intellect level Azn.

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I'm tired of Romney not directly answering major questions. Last debate when asked by the woman about females getting equal pay...he come up with some BS about binders. Last night he was asked where he was going to get the money to implement his plan and yet again he danced around it. Glad Obama make light of it saying "he should have used the last two minutes answering the question he was asked".

I have a feeling if Romney is elected, he'll also be a one-term president. His plans aren't laid out and he's hell bent on creating 12 million jobs. The thing about the jobs that pisses me off is you can create 100 million jobs, but you can't force companies to hire people. There's 3.5 million jobs open right now.

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Here's a revelation for blues and reds:


I don't give a shit if Iran gets a nuke.



...and they're going to.


Do I think they'll fire one at Israel? No.

Do I think they'll fire one at us? Hell no.

Do I think they'll pass out fissile material at the terrorist county faire? No.


Do I think the warhawks around the world will use it as an excuse for more bullshittery in the mideast? Yes.


Been to the middle east. Fought over it. Ain't nothing there worth fighting for. Including the oil.




It doesn't matter which one of these guys gets elected president, we're all fucked. And that includes both the uneducated redneck hicks in the hills as well as the uneducated black hoodies in the cities. All of them are brainwashed suckers being pointed at each other to blame for their woes. Chumps.


"Oh Obama lied about this"

"Oh Romney lied about that"


Wake the fuck up.

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One thing I can say is that being a college student living in a single parent household with the primary income being a disability check, my choice is extremely clear after seeing someone's plan for college education funding and aid. Unfortunately "borrowing money from my parents if (I) have to," just simply isn't an available option. It's hard for someone who is a multi-millionaire and has never been an average to lower income American in their lives to relate. He does have some good ideas for the county. But for me he is the worst of 2 bad options.

Condensed version: The president shouldn't be the shiniest of two turds.

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One thing I can say is that being a college student living in a single parent household with the primary income being a disability check, my choice is extremely clear after seeing someone's plan for college education funding and aid. Unfortunately "borrowing money from my parents if (I) have to," just simply isn't an available option. It's hard for someone who is a multi-millionaire and has never been an average to lower income American in their lives to relate. He does have some good ideas for the county. But for me he is the worst of 2 bad options.

Condensed version: The president shouldn't be the shiniest of two turds.


When was Obama "average to lower income"? Neither of these guys knows the plight of the common man from personal experience no matter what they try to sell you.

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When was Obama "average to lower income"? Neither of these guys knows the plight of the common man from personal experience no matter what they try to sell you.


Obama was raised by a single mother (with 2 kids) and his grandparents. It doesn't sound like they were ever poor, but he went to school on scholarships. It's probably safe to say that he never had any real money until he graduated from law school.


Sounds pretty average to me. Did you really not know any of that?

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. I like how he stuffed Obama's whispered / "un-heard" conversation back at him too.

I really wish he would have made a bigger deal out of this. It was said almost in passing, the way it came across. Also, not too many people know about this. Needs to be in one of his ads at the least.

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Obama was raised by a single mother (with 2 kids) and his grandparents. It doesn't sound like they were ever poor, but he went to school on scholarships. It's probably safe to say that he never had any real money until he graduated from law school.


Sounds pretty average to me. Did you really not know any of that?


No, I knew this. However, being raised in Hawaii, going to private college prep academy, attending Columbia University and finishing at Harvard does not sound average to me. You?


In the end, these guys are simply not like you and me. I am not sure we want an average joe as a president anyway.

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