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Lettuce discuss Aquaponics


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Anybody here doing it? I have recently discovered this awesomeness and have watched hours and hours of youtube videos of different people's setups ranging from very small indoor gardens to massive business setups and everything in between. I am very intrigued by the prospect of fresh food year round.


So...anybody here have something like this going on?

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I will have a setup going in the next few months. I dont have enough direct sunlight around my house and aquaponics is about only way I can get some real produce started.


I know a guy who is really into it as well.


I recently bought this http://www.amazon.com/Aquaponic-Gardening-Step---Step-Vegetables/dp/086571701X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1352228478&sr=8-1&keywords=aquaponics


Great reading good ideas. But I am sure you can get the same information if not better from online sources.

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LOL... Steve, really?


There was a small starter aquaponics kit at goodwill today for 2 bucks. Was looking at it forever but decided not to get it.


bump for interest.


There is a hydroponics somewhere around here. Too scared to go in, lol

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Dont think your in columbus anymore but these are a good place to start




White isn't a good choice because light could let things grow in the water. They make darker colored ones if you look hard enough. Or I guess you could just cool the water to offset bacteria growth. Also I have no idea what I am talking about.

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White isn't a good choice because light could let things grow in the water. They make darker colored ones if you look hard enough. Or I guess you could just cool the water to offset bacteria growth. Also I have no idea what I am talking about.


Blue is definately a better color. White encourages algae growth. But realistically if your system is running properly and setup correctly color wont matter.


Algae-nitrate sponge. Nitrate is what is used to grow plants in a aquaponic setup. If your algae is eating all your nitrates you cant grow your veggies fast enough.

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Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are your three major nutes for growing anything. Determine what plant you want to grow, find out what nutrients it likes, then go from there.


Aquaponics is using fish waste as fertilizer for plant growth. The nutrients are introduced thru the system itself. Basically feed the fish and grow plants

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Aquaponics is using fish waste as fertilizer for plant growth. The nutrients are introduced thru the system itself. Basically feed the fish and grow plants


Dont use any organic-based fertilizer, as it will welcome fungi/bacteria. Also look into aeroponics over aqua, usually produces better results (depends on what, erm, "vegetables" being grown).


Also keep your water temps down in the 60's-70's, anything above that and bacteria will rapidly begin to develop. Once your setup is contaminated with fungi/bacteria you can kiss it goodbye.

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Dont use any organic-based fertilizer, as it will welcome fungi/bacteria. Also look into aeroponics over aqua, usually produces better results (depends on what, erm, "vegetables" being grown).


Also keep your water temps down in the 60's-70's, anything above that and bacteria will rapidly begin to develop. Once your setup is contaminated with fungi/bacteria you can kiss it goodbye.


Not sure if you misread what I typed or just adding to it.


But no you dont wanna add fertilizer.

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Not sure if you misread what I typed or just adding to it.


But no you dont wanna add fertilizer.


Personally I would shy away from the whole aquaponics deal itself, any organic fertilizer (ex. fish poo) can cause serious bacterial/fungal problems in hydro-based systems.

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Personally I would shy away from the whole aquaponics deal itself, any organic fertilizer (ex. fish poo) can cause serious bacterial/fungal problems in hydro-based systems.


I think you are missing the entire point of aquaponics. Lot of setups use duckweed to suck up additional nutrients in the water to slow down or stop the growth of algae and bacteria. . In turn the duckweed will assist in feeding the fish.


The entire idea is based on being balanced properly and naturally. instead of juggling chemical additives.

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Personally I would shy away from the whole aquaponics deal itself, any organic fertilizer (ex. fish poo) can cause serious bacterial/fungal problems in hydro-based systems.


So are all the successes shown on the interwebz false? I am being serious, not trying to be a dick, but legitimately learn because I am seriously considering getting into starting a hydro/aqua/areoponics setup sometime. But I want to make sure I make the right decision in regards to what kind of setup I do as I don't want to waste my time, money, and hard work investing in something I will ultimately be disappointed in.

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I think you are missing the entire point of aquaponics. Lot of setups use duckweed to suck up additional nutrients in the water to slow down or stop the growth of algae and bacteria. . In turn the duckweed will assist in feeding the fish.


The entire idea is based on being balanced properly and naturally. instead of juggling chemical additives.


I setup a fish tank/plant tank similar to what is mentioned here. Using water overflow from a well established fish tank, running it through troughs for plants and filtering it back thru into the tank. I did my first one in the 8th grade. Worked beautifully. Was it the best way to go? Eh, who knows as I didn't have a 'test' grow. Just wanted to do it cuz it was an idea I had.

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So are all the successes shown on the interwebz false? I am being serious, not trying to be a dick, but legitimately learn because I am seriously considering getting into starting a hydro/aqua/areoponics setup sometime. But I want to make sure I make the right decision in regards to what kind of setup I do as I don't want to waste my time, money, and hard work investing in something I will ultimately be disappointed in.


Sorry, twas hit with the banhamer (obama_fried_chicken.jpg Phill u mad :gabe:) At any rate no, the successes are not false, but keep in mind there is a learning curve to anything aqua, alot of those guys are probably pros and have learned how to keep bacteria/fungi at bay. When your first starting off it's a good idea to stay away from organic nutrients untill you get a handle on things (primarily the specs of your setup, I.E. how cool it will run, how adequate the ventilation is etc.). Once you've had a couple successful grows under your belt with chemical nutes then is the time to probably switch over and try something organic.

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