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It was Elmo's fault


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Food for thought, things that are coming our way, how do you think these are going to end?


Automatic spending cuts

Congress passed and Obama signed into law the 2011 Deficit Control Act which will cut more than $100 billion in outlays in 2013, starting in January. These cuts were intended to be so unpalatable that they’d spur Congress and the president to strike a deficit reduction deal, but the plan seems about to backfire. Congress and the president in 2013 will be getting more deficit reduction than they really want. The director of the Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Elmendorf, said in August that the cuts in spending, combined with scheduled increases in taxes at the year's end would cause “a significant tightening of fiscal policy” which would “probably lead to a recession early next year.”




Taxes going up, by a significant amount – and not just on the rich

The current income tax rates expire on Dec. 31. A popular middle-class tax break, the $1,000-per-child tax credit for each child age 17 and younger, will be cut in half unless Congress and the president take action before the end of the year. The temporary reduction in the Social Security payroll tax is also set to expire. As a result of all this, according to the Tax Policy Center, the average tax burden will increase by almost $3,500 per taxpayer in 2013. In addition, the Affordable Care Act, starting on Jan. 1, imposes a $20 billion tax increase in 2013 on people with incomes above $200,000, or $250,000 for joint filers.


Debt limit

According to the Bipartisan Policy Center, by sometime in February the federal government will reach its borrowing limit, even with the use of extraordinary stopgap accounting measures by the Treasury Department to push back that date. The House Republicans only very reluctantly voted to raise the debt limit in 2011 after the impasse between Obama and the House GOP over debt had severely shaken the confidence of investors in U.S. financial markets. The new House may be even more resistant to a debt ceiling increase with Obama winning a second term.

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. If in not mistaken, we are in a better place now then we were in 08 when people really didn't have jobs and the economy was on brink of depression again.


What metrics are you using? We still don't have any more jobs than when he took office as the unemployment rate is still effectively just a tick under 8% no better than when he came into office.


Our national debt is up over 80% from when he came in and he continues to treat it like the checkbook is endless.


Last I checked, we're all still taking it in the ass with gas prices and on the cost of just about every good we buy. Gas is nearly doubled in the past four years. Add to it the real family income numbers are down.


We have over 46M people on food stamps. Think about that number...46M americans swiping and EBT Card at the Grocery store. Up nearly 45% from when he took office. Those numbers don't lie and tell the real story. If we were better off that number wouldn't be up. 6.4M living under the poverty line. WOW!


I'm not saying it's all doom and gloom and nothing has gotten better but as a leader, his effectiveness is so poor the small gains we've had are not effectively making life in America a better place when looking at the percentages.


And if you don't think we're on the verge of another depression then you aren't following what is looming come January. If this guy can't foster a decision whereby the leaders in congress can agree we're sure to see a dismal Q1 next year. He better hope the Republicans don't "vote with vengence" and fuck him and their constituants and let it happen. Part of me hopes they do as America has obviously adjusted their sense of pain to where life today is okay and as you say, better than four years ago. :rolleyes:

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Yes it is truly the current president's fault that people don't want to better themselves and stay on assistance. That has never happened under any other POTUS :dumb:


I didn't vote for Obama or Mittens.


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Or you can buy feminized seeds. Shit, you don't even need dirt anymore.


Feminized seeds are expensive, and not 100%. Clones are just 5 bucks a pop and already 10inches ready to plant, plus depending on place you go has over 100 strains of marijuana. Once you buy a clone unless you want to try something new, the plant can keep making clones 3 to 4 plants at a time. With hormone gel you can take 5 plants turn into a 100 within 6 weeks if you wanted.

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Feminized seeds are expensive, and not 100%. Clones are just 5 bucks a pop and already 10inches ready to plant, plus depending on place you go has over 100 strains of marijuana. Once you buy a clone unless you want to try something new, the plant can keep making clones 3 to 4 plants at a time. With hormone gel you can take 5 plants turn into a 100 within 6 weeks if you wanted.


When did this thread become cultivating tips 101 ? :dumb:

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Yes it is truly the current president's fault that people don't want to better themselves and stay on assistance.


Yes it truly is the Presidents fault. The man is a leader and supposed to be influencing others to better themselves. Regardless of what's happened under past presidents, this guy has a role and needs to begin living it. However, that would be contrary to what his strategy is so rather than raise the bar and move upward, he's lowering it to move forward.

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Can you name some ways this country is better than the day he was sworn in?


Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay act

The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act

Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act

James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act

cripling economic sanctions with Iran

SCHIP reauthorization

Federal Direct Student Loan Program


Russian START Treaty

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act

ended legal defense of DOMA

ended iraq

ending afganistan

OBL dead

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Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay act

The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act

Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act

James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act

cripling economic sanctions with Iran

SCHIP reauthorization

Federal Direct Student Loan Program


Russian START Treaty

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act

ended legal defense of DOMA

ended iraq

ending afganistan

OBL dead


6M americans sucking ass from an EBT card called and 53% of them don't give a shit about these they'd much rather be making money and living the dream. Sadly the other 47% said they are living the dream.


Yeah America, where driving more people into poverty, raising taxes, raising costs of good and lower incomes and putting more people on food stamps equates to doing better and getting re-elected. :dumb

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Picture this:


$4B company

500 call center jobs

650 manufacturing jobs


All currently based in the US. In less than 2 years, will be producing products over seas and establishing a call center over in India. Looking to make changes to their labor hours in all depts to move from full time to part time. Looking to hire a lot more temp to hire. Why?

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Blame the guy for sending his jobs to china, dont blame the guy for actually buying what he produces.


really? the line of business I work for in my company makes medical devices too. I know the changes that will be impacting my people and it's sad. I feel bad for them as many of them I know supported Obama. I wonder if they will finally put 2 & 2 together when the changes come.


we put a hold on 400 jobs and the expansion of two more locations until after the election. I believe we'll still move forward on the two locations, but not necessarily for the people that may initially come with the acquisitions.




I spoke with Steve Ferguson, CEO of the Cook Group, founded in the back room of a family house in 1963 with a $1,500 loan, and now the world's largest privately-owned medical-device company with 8,000 U.S. employees. It makes some 16,000 different devices, most of them small items such as catheters, stents, wire guides and other products that help patients avoid major surgery. Such advances represent phenomenal progress for the quality of patients' lives.


Ferguson said the 2.3% tax on gross revenues equals, for Cook, about 15% of earnings. Added to a base corporate income tax rate of 35% and state taxes of 6%, the total tax rate exceeds 50%. Pitted against places like Ireland, with a total business tax of 12.5%, an American medical-device company faces acute competitive disadvantages.


"We were looking to build five new plants to employ about 300 people each," Ferguson said. "Now we've had to put them on hold, to see what will happen with this tax."

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Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay act

The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act

Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act

James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act

cripling economic sanctions with Iran

SCHIP reauthorization

Federal Direct Student Loan Program


Russian START Treaty

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act

ended legal defense of DOMA

ended iraq

ending afganistan

OBL dead


OBL dead... using intel from a place Obama wanted closed, using tactics he said was torture.


A bunch of "acts" that mean nothing to you or me.


And I would consider most of the rest of your list horrible for this country.


Way to copy and paste from Obama's site.

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Brb having 2 kids and quitting my job. Free housing, health care and other benefits, free phone, gas money and food. Cot damn life will be good!


Eerbody gon' be drivin Escalades with gold teeth soon! :fuckyeah:


Nobody has to work anymore, YOLO!





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46M americans sucking ass from an EBT card called and 53% of them don't give a shit about these they'd much rather be making money and living the dream. Sadly the other 47% said they are living the dream. Yeah America.


These "facts" must be backwards, because it seems 51% of Amercians want to be lazy and let the government control most of their money and healthcare. Essentially letting their lives out their own hands.


Freedom ain't free, go get a fucking job.

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really? the line of business I work for in my company makes medical devices too. I know the changes that will be impacting my people and it's sad. I feel bad for them as many of them I know supported Obama. I wonder if they will finally put 2 & 2 together when the changes come.


we put a hold on 400 jobs and the expansion of two more locations until after the election. I believe we'll still move forward on the two locations, but not necessarily for the people that may initially come with the acquisitions.




But you are better off now than in 2008 you silly goose!

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But you are better off now than in 2008 you silly goose!


I will be once I have a meeting with my finance guy and attorney next week to discuss increases on our rental properties next year and what they are going to look like. I'm not taking the hit, I'm going to pass it along just like everyone else will.

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