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Who wants to meet up with me in Marysville to ride to the Spring meet?


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Okay, so calling all you folks out in the ville! I was thinking about riding up to UDF at about 1 to fill up with some gas. Is there anyone who would like to ride out with me to the Spring meet? I don't really want to ride alone. It's no fun. Let me know!


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Okay, as of now, 1 at UDF. Need to get thegame to come too. I will let you know if anything changes cause I have been sick for the past couple of days and am actually taking off work tomorrow. So, if it is too cold on Saturday I may not ride just because I have a bit of a cold. Will keep you updated though :)

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54 is warm enough to ride to Whitehall, so you better be planning on it DollFace! I don't know how you are planning on getting there, but we can head up Industrial Parkway, then go through Dublin or something to stay at slower speeds if you are worried about the temps. Or 36 to 23 to columbus, there are several options to go slower speeds and stay a bit warmer. I'm easy, I'll go any way you want. I have to set an alarm clock to be there by 1:00 (yeah yeah i know) so you better be riding!

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Okay, plan to meet at UDF at 1 then and we will go from there. I can follow, no biggie. I was planning on going the most direct route 33 to 270N and exiting off there, but whatever. I will just suck it up and stuff my cookies and angel food cake in a bookbag and wear layers :). I rode to work once in 45 degrees but had a lot of layers on, so I didn't really get cold until the 30 mile mark or so.

I will PM you my phone number so you can contact me if I am not there right at 1.

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i dont know that i can go. id have to wait till my g/f gets out of work at 2, and she was talking about going somewhere, so ill probably be going with her.

does she carry your balls around in a jar too??? :D j/k mang....

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