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Wife's in the hospital again:(


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My wife went into the hospital this morning. The sad part is no one knows what to do . Her vascular system is messed up and causing her arm to hold fluid. Her right arm is about 4x larger then her left arm.


She's had 3 surgerys so far and still they don't know what to do ... Its very painful for her.



I just needed a place to vent because im so stressed about this.:megusta:

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They just balloned her vein I hope it works. Otherwise they have to put a Cath in her groan area..... As soon as she gets out she's hell bent to lsoe weight so she can get a new kidney.


"...put a Cath in her groan area..."


I think you're closer to being right than you realize.

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I put this on facebook and it seems to spreading !!!


Dear Internet, I'm pleeing for your help. My wife desperately needs a kidney. She is on kidney dialyses and has had many complications with it. She's had numerous surgeries to correct these issues but ultimately they are running out of options. if her latest surgery fails she will be moved from a Fistula to a Perma Cath. The Cath has a much higher probability of infection and comes with a long list of possible complications. She is in need of a kidney badly . The awesome part is you don't even need to be a match for her, There is a exchange program available that means we could trade a non matching donor for a matching donor! So please share this and if possible Donate a kidney to my wife !!!! Please share this and help. I love my wife and don't want to lose her.

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