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Door dings


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Yeah maybe that's what happened. I have other pics somewhere though, where people pull up right next to mine with their passenger door against my driver door.





I did this once at a previous job. The guy is a friend of mine now but when I drove into work one day he took my usually spot and not only that, jacked the car up against the next one on an angle like this / So I slid my wifes car at the time which was a basic run of the mill Camry up against him pretty much kissing the mirrors //


Needless to say we met shortly after that :gabe:

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I typically park in the back of parking lot, or at least 7-8 spaces away from the nearest car to the store. The little extra exercise is always better than the anxiety I get from wondering if some dumb mother fucker is going to ding my door :D



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I typically park in the back of parking lot, or at least 7-8 spaces away from the nearest car to the store. The little extra exercise is always better than the anxiety I get from wondering if some dumb mother fucker is going to ding my door :D




Be careful. My dad had a friend with a classic Challenger who used to do this until he came back to it with "PRICK" scrawled into the paint with a key. Obviously this was in the days before security cameras, but the point is the same; by parking like that in a way that says "I DON'T LIKE TO BE FUCKED WITH", you're making a target out of your car.

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When they park all up on my driver's door, fuck them.


This is the only pic I could find about the retardation at my work but it happens often. That, and people pulling aaaaall the way into their spot and then 2ft into the one in front of them.



This happened to me today when I walked out of the doctor with my son, except the car next to me was at a worse angle. If there are tight parking spaces I will take great care to put my son in/out of his car seat without dinging your car, but if you park like a jackass and leave me no room I won't care what happens to your car.

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Way back in the day (20 years ago!) I caught a guy in an El Camino putting MULTIPLE door hits onto my car. He was some drunk fuck, couldn't get in the door of his car and kept slamming his door into mine. While he was still fumbling with the key, I banged on his glass and told him he better have his fucking insurance card with him, and not to bother leaving. He started the car up, slapped it into reverse, and ran his fender down the entire right side of my car, hard enough to blow out the door window. He'd have pinched me between the cars, except I jumped into the bed of his El Camino. He was laughing as loud as he could...then he tried to speed off to escape somebody who was actually INSIDE his car. I grabbed some chunk of 2x4 he had in the bed and just went to town on the cab of his El Camino...three HUGE dents in the roof, one on each sail panel, got the passenger window on the second swing, all while he was trying to fling me out of the bed by swerving all over the place. We went past a police car just as I finally took out his rear window, and I was mostly inside the car, beating the side of his head with both fists when he decided to stop. He jumped out, and got arm to the face tackled by the cop who thought the driver was the maniac who'd climbed inside the car.

It took about an hour to get everything cleared up, luckily there were several witnesses who reported his trying to run me over. He ended up with a DUI and aggravated assault, went to the hospital with multiple injuries to the right side of his head. I got released after being charged with misdemeanor battery (prosecutor declined the case). He had no insurance, so my insurance company ended up suing him, and I heard from the agent that I'd done enough damage to his car to total it out, which combined with him spending three days in jail cost him his job. The last I heard of it (about 15 years ago), the insurance company had a lien on him. He'd get a job, get about 3 paychecks out of it, then his last couple of checks would be garnished away before he would quit and start it all over again.

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The joys of owning an 8 year old car that i could care less what it looks like.


But, im usually very careful about opening my door i have dinged the door next to me before, i always look to see if there was any damage or paint transfer. Never has been, no dings dents or paint.

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Thanksgiving day I ran to Meijers and parked 11 spots from the next car. The lanes in front and behind me had cars that were atleast 10-15 spots closer to the store. When I came out there was a guy sitting in his car parked next to mine. I mouthed to him "All the empty fucking spots in this parking lot and you have to park next to mine!" He looked confused and then as I got closer he he drove away. Parking all the way at the the end of the lane doesn't get you away from ignorance.
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